Is Your Pet’s Excessive Licking Causing Skin Problems?

The next way to stop your pet’s excessive licking is to find out if they are allergic to any particular foods or ingredients in foods. There are some pets that are allergic to specific ingredients in their food and to find out if it is their food, try giving your pet a different food that doesn’t contain the same ingredients as the prior one. If the licking stops, you’ve found the cause. In some cases it may be foods they are finding around the house or outside the house, like garbage. Make sure you keep a close eye on your pet to see if they are eating something that you aren’t giving them that could be causing an allergic reaction. Also, stop giving them human food that could be the cause of their allergic reaction.
Another way to stop your pet’s excessive licking is to try some ointments. Look for pet licking ointments in pet stores. These ointments have a bitter, unpleasant taste to pets and will help stop them from licking too much. Sometimes pets lick because they don’t have anything better to do. If your pet is bored, take them for a nice long walk, buy some new toys, or provide them with some playtime. You may also want to look into getting another pet to keep them company.
Not only can pets lick excessively they may start biting or nibbling themselves excessively. Try the same things to stop your pet from biting or nibbling excessively. If your pet has licked, bitten, or nibbled himself or herself so much that their skin is turning red or are developing sores on their skin take them to the vet. This excessive behavior can lead to skin infections and hair loss. If you find it hard to write down or catch your pet licking or nibbling excessively, try getting a picture or make a quick video of them in action so when you go to the vet you’ll have more evidence.