Is Your Teenage Girl Suffering From Endometriosis?

There are many teenage girls that struggle with severe pain during their menstrual period. They sometimes suffer from headaches, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, and lower back pain. Exercise and rest can help but teenagers usually find this very difficult. Some young girls have even spent whole days in bed exhausted from these symptoms. Unfortunately as you grow older the symptoms only get worse.

Many teenagers think that this is normal for menstrual cycles, but it is not. If your child continues to experience severe pain than you should talk to your daughters doctor about having an ultrasound. It is possible that they could have Endometriosis. This is a disease that many people know very little about. Doctors have learned that up to 30 percent of women that are of reproductive age may have Endometriosis. The exact cause of Endometriosis is still not known. One theory is that during menstruation some of the menstrual tissue backs up through the Fallopian tubes, implants itself in the abdomen, and grows there.

Another suggests that the industrial tissue is distributed from the uterus to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the bloodstream. A genetic theory suggests that Endometriosis may be carried in the genes of certain families or that certain women may have factors predisposing them to it. Others blame toxins and dioxins in our polluted environment.

Every case of endometriosis is very different. Some doctor feel that a hysterectomy along with removal of the ovaries is the ultimate and definitive solution. Even after surgery you will have to have an ultrasound examination of your ovaries every three months, in addition to taking medication. Endometriosis is a hormonal and immune system disease. Adjusting your diet and reducing your caffeine intake can be more effective than taking medication.

During this time your teen will need lots of love and support. Although the majority of the cases are not discovered until they are adults, it is a topic that you will want to discuss with your daughter, especially if she is already showing some of the symptoms mentioned above. You should also be concerned about the emotional affect that this disease has on many especially when they are teenagers. Girls cannot really comprehend what is going on, particularly because their condition is usually not diagnosed at that time.

They are also very sensitive about these issues. They do not want to talk to their parents about them or to anybody else. So these youngsters may come to believe that they are not as strong or as good as other people. Often they have difficulty keeping up with schoolwork, and their social life suffers. Some girls have even dropped out of school. Take the time to truly understand your teenager.

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