Is a Sexual Predator Living in Your Neighborhood?

With recent publicity surrounding several high profile child molestation and abduction cases, parents are demanding to be made aware if a sexual predator lives in their neighborhood. Several states have individual web sites that picture the sexual offender and give some details of his crime and home address. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has now established a National Sexual Predator Registry that gives details on sexual predators nation wide.

The National Sexual Predator Registry makes it easier for parents to search for potential risks in their neighborhood as well as surrounding neighborhoods. This comprehensive listing is designed to provides parents with the facts that they need to help protect their children. The NSPR lists information on those that have been convicted of committing sexually related crimes against a minor or a violent sexual crime against anyone.

While not all states list their sexual predators online, it is considered public information and if their are questions about your state that are not addressed online, your local or state police should be able to address these concerns with you. The Nationwide Safety Network offers a state by state search that gives the public information about what information is available on sexual offenders in their state and where to find it.

If you do find that a convicted sexual predator lives a relatively close distance to your home, you must be aware that their are laws in most states that protect their rights to live in any location as long as their are not terms associated with their release as far as location to schools or playgrounds. If you do become aware of a sexual predator, it is not your right to harass or cause them bodily harm. It is your job to watch over your children and make them aware of the dangers that exist.

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