Is the Baby Carrier or Sling for You?

There are a few things you will want to take into consideration when buying your carrier or sling. First of all you will want to find one that fits you comfortably. Do not go based on someone else recommendation. What works well for your sister or your friend may not work the same for you. Most carriers can support your babies weight until they are 45 pounds. But how long your baby can stay in the carrier also depends on how much weight your body can support.
Some parents have complained about shoulder and back pain as their baby grows. Also keep in mind that some babies do grow a lot quicker than others. Most however are designed so that your baby’s weight is evenly distributed across your back and shoulders. When this begins to happen then it is time to get rid of the carrier and move on to the stroller.
You will also want to make sure that you can put the carrier on and take it off without any help. Most of the time moms are by themselves when they run errands during the day, so you will need to be able to maneuver things yourself. You can also purchase a carrier that your husband can use as well, so you should make sure it is adjustable. Another thing you will want to take into consideration when looking for a carrier is one that cleans easily. Most of them can be easily placed into the washing machine, and then hung dry.
This way you do not have to worry if your baby makes an occasional mess. Also pick one with breathable fabric that wont make your baby sweat on those hot summer months. The fabric should be comfortable for your baby. Most moms who are planning to nurse when they are out in public will purchase the baby sling. Slings are a great way to carry your baby and discreetly nurse whenever it is necessary. Did you know that you can even make your own baby sling? There are several websites that will tell you have to make a safe and comfortable baby sling.
Several that you may want to take a look at are,,, You can find on-line patterns and ideas on how to make your own baby sling. It is also a good way for you to spend your time while you are pregnant. Whichever you decide to use take your time in making your decision and make sure that you are comfortable with your choice. Only you know what will work best for you and for baby