Is the Way You Dress Your Little Girl Putting Her at Risk?

Child predators are not the only ones that your child will have to worry about. What about other boys their age. When your daughter reaches the age of eight or nine, they are already starting to experience some secular feelings and desires. They are also going through some very different and weird emotions. If they dress in a provocative manner they are just asking for these young boys to touch and grope on them. The very sad part is that most parents do not want their child to be the odd ball, or to be different in any way from their peers.
It seems that most parents are more concerned about their child’s popularity rather than their safety. Do you realize that one out of every five girls is sexually assaulted at school by the time they are ten years of age? Parents probably do not know this because their daughters do not tell them. But your daughter is just as much to blame as the boy, if she is not dressed properly. By wearing shorts that are too short or a very revealing shirt, they are really just asking for trouble. At this age boys have a very difficult time controlling their emotions. In addition, to the fact that your daughter should have a lot more respect for herself.
If your daughter feels that dressing this way is OK, then as she grows older she will continue to think that wearing revealing outfits is a good look for her. Once your daughter reached the age of fourteen and fifteen, this is when the men will start to notice her. Most fourteen year old girls do not look like they are fourteen. Some even lie about their age, not really knowing what they may be getting themselves into. So the next time your daughter goes shopping, you may really want to take the time to go along and make sure you look at what they are buying. Even if this means that your child will not be too happy with you, at least you know they will be sending out the right message.