It May Not Be Tartar, it Could Be Dental Fluorosis

Are some unattractive looking white spots on your teeth preventing you from smiling like you use to? Have you tried tartar control floss, mouthwash, toothpaste and other tools that claim to scrap off the tartar? Surprisingly it may not be tartar at all. White spots could actually be dental fluorosis. A teeth cleaning won’t remove it either. Dental Fluorosis is caused by having too much fluoride in your system. When the tooth’s enamel is forming, too much fluoride can cause chalky white steaks and or spots on the tooth. The higher the Fluoride intake during the time from birth to around age 7, the tooth can become yellowish or brown appearance.

To prevent fluorosis check your water’s fluoride content. Ask your dentist/doctor if fluoride pills are needed and avoid youngsters swallowing fluoride toothpaste. If you already have dental fluorosis you have options to help conceal it.

Paint On Teeth Whitening- You can buy this in most stores but if you have brown/yellowish discoloration it may not conceal and there is no guarantee it can conceal the white spots/streaks caused by dental fluorosis.

Professional Bleaching- Some feel that this will cause a lighter version of the fluorosis while others believe it can help conceal it. Bleaching doesn’t last forever. Talk to your dentist for his opinion. Buying an at home bleaching kit may not be worth your money.

Direct Dental Bonding- A white dental filing material is placed and bonded onto the tooth’s surface. Unfortunately over time this doesn’t resist stains. But if the bonding is chipped or broken it can easily be repaired. This procedure isn’t as costly as porcelain veneers and can usually be done in one dental visit.

Porcelain Veneers- A thin white porcelain shell is bonded onto the front of the tooth to improve appearance. They resist staining and can look more life like than dental bondings. Unfortunately if the veneer is broken usually the whole veneer has to be replaced. Often times costing in the thousands.

Dental Crowns- Instead of only covering the front of the tooth, a crown covers all around the tooth. But involves more work such as trimming away a good amount of the tooth’s structure. This isn’t one of the best options unless you need a crown for both cosmetic reasons and non cosmetic benefits.

Many parents today are outraged at the result of paying for their children to take fluoride pills only to find out later on that their children may now have an unattractive discoloration on one or many teeth. Fluoride isn’t harmful if the proper amount is taken. Talk to your doctor/dentist about the risks.

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