Iwo Jima Memorial in Hawaii – Anchors Park

The stirring image, indelibly etched upon the landscape of the American psyche, strikes a visceral chord that has resonated with generations of people from all over the world, and from all walks of life. Joe Rosenthal immortalized that unforgettable image in a photograph taken on February 23, 1945.
The Pacific War Memorial Association, Inc., a non-profit organization in Honolulu chaired by Alice T. Clark, spearheaded the monument project, which had a projected cost of $450,000. The copy of the memorial, sculptured by Joseph Petrovics, was cast by Salvatore Perrotta of Sculpture House Casting of New York.
The 500-member National Iwo Jima Survivors’ Association led by Dr. George Gentile, president, made the molds available for the bronze sculptured monument. The molds are from the actual weapons, helmets and other gear used by the brave men who raised the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi.
“For generations to come, this internationally recognized symbol of joint effort and sacrifice against all odds during World War II in the Pacific, will have a home in the Pacific, a tribute to all U.S. military personnel who served in the Pacific during World War II,” notes Clark. “The specific purpose of the Pacific War Memorial Association is to support, facilitate, and initiate programs and projects which celebrate, perpetuate, and educate our community and its many visitors, concerning the history of human thought, spirit, and activity related to military conflicts in the Pacific. At last, there is a tribute in Hawaii, to all those who served during the Battle of Iwo Jima, and in the Pacific during World War II. We greatly appreciate support from the public.”
Clark may be contacted at the Pacific War Memorial Association at 808-533-3759 (phone), 808-533-3129 (fax) or email her at abclark@aloha.net. The association’s mailing address is P.O. Box 1761, Honolulu, Hawaii 96806.
Dimensions of Iwo Jima Monument cast by Sculpture House Casting of New York:
Distance from front hand to back heel: 9 feet 9 inches
Widest width from sole to sole of soldiers’ boots: 6 feet
Height to top of hands (below flagpole): 12 feet
Weight: Approximately 6,000 pounds
Dimensions of monument base in Newington, Connecticut:
Granite Base: 15 feet by 10 feet by 9 feet (height)
Black Granite Facing Panels: 5 feet (width) by 9 feet (height) by 2 inches (thickness)
Number of Granite Panels: 10 (each 5 feet by 9 feet)
Concrete Base: 10 feet by 15 feet by 17 feet (8 feet below grade, 9 feet above grade)