Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer

Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer sits, well-used, on the island in my kitchen. I just can’t imagine life without it.

My juicing lifestyle began with a smaller juicer that required lots of slicing and dicing of the fruits and vegetables to be juiced. Eventually, I decided I wanted to upgrade to a juicer that required a short amount of time cutting up nature’s fine foods when preparing to juice. I also wanted a juicer powerful enough to extract just about all of the juice from the fruits and vegetables to give my body maximum nutritional benefits.

With less powerful juicers, so much of the juice doesn’t make its way to one’s glass. However, thanks to the patented extraction technology with Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer, 30% more juice – using the same amount of fruit – fills a glass when compared to less advanced juicers on the market. With my former juicer, I would re-juice the pulp as a way of squeezing out the extra juice left in it. I’m in and out of the kitchen a lot faster these days.

Since carrot/apple juice is the juice I make the most, I envisioned a process that would require me to simply rinse the organic carrots and apples, break the large carrots in half, remove the stems from the apples, and then pop them into the juicer for a large dose of instant vitamins. Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer turned my dream into a reality. Once I started using it, the time I took to juice was significantly reduced. If the apples were too large to fit the chute on the juicer, I simply had to cut them in half as opposed to cutting them into many small pieces.

One of my favorite parts of Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is the blue bin that attaches to the back of it – a container that collects the pulp as the juice is being extracted from the foods. Prior to juicing, I line the bin with a small plastic bag which helps make clean-up a breeze. The collected pulp can be used in many ways: to make salads, smoothies, soups, pies, casseroles, muffins, breads, or compost for soil, to name a few. On those days that the pulp serves no purpose, the bag in the bin can simply be tied and discarded.

Since some pulp also collects in other parts of the juicer, my biggest cleaning tip about Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer is to rinse those parts immediately after juicing to avoid the juicer from getting stained. It’s real simple to disassemble the surgical stainless steel blade and connecting parts for cleaning, and to reassemble for later use.

Another big plus of this juicer is that its high output motor is so quiet when the juicer is in session – especially compared to the juicer I used prior to being blessed with this one. One day, when feeding the food into the juicer, Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer made no sound at all. I was about to be devastated, thinking my juicer would be out of commission for a while. However, turns out, since I was making juices for several people that day, the areas of the juicer that collect the pulp became full a lot quicker and simply needed to be emptied. It was the juicer’s way to telling me: “Get that pulp out of here!” Once I did that, the juicer ran like new again.

I’ve heard there are more powerful juicers on the market, but since I’m so satisfied with the one I have, I’ve had no need to extensively research other juicers or upgrade to a more powerful one. I’m truly content. Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer has all the power I need right now; plus, its mere presence in my kitchen seems to transmit a special type of energy that I like – sometimes I feel healthy simply walking by it and noticing its permanent home on my kitchen counter. My son’s friends gravitate to it, too, often asking for one of my tasty, homemade juices.

One of my most memorable juicing experiences with Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer recently took place in my son’s classroom. That day, I carefully transported the juicer to his school and assisted the fourth-graders with juicing apple juice, carrot/apple juice, and apple/orange juice (my son’s favorite juice combination). One fourth-grader went home that day and told her mom that she wanted a juicer of her own and that she only wanted to eat organic apples from now on. “Don’t you feel all the wax on this apple, Mom?” she said to her mother, holding up a non-organic apple. “That’s not good,” she explained.

This student and the majority of the fourth graders were fascinated by the gushes of juice that poured out of the juicer. One second they saw the whole fruit or veggie, and then a second or two later, they saw lots of liquid pouring out of those foods. “Cool,” and “Wow,” and “I want one of those,” were some of the comments I heard during our juicing adventure. One student even stated how lucky he thought my son was to have that juicer in his home.

Initially, I was planning to spend only about 45 minutes juicing with the students, but because of how intrigued they were with Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer, our juicing time lasted well over an hour. The fourth-grade teacher was highly impressed, too. The parents of the students came close to buying one for her as an end-of-school gift for her and her family

By the way, a friend of mine told me about a teacher who keeps Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer in her classroom to promote healthy eating to her students. I think that’s an outstanding idea.

A booklet – Secrets of Power Juicing – comes with Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer. It includes information such as the benefits of juicing, tips to remember when using the juicer, and several delicious juice recipes ranging from Fresh Carrot Juice to Fresh Pineapple & Carrot Juice to Fresh Country Lemonade to Fresh Pear & Grape Juice, and many more.

This juicer costs about $100 although that price may vary depending on where you are shopping for it. My husband feels that the $100 he spent on the one for our home was worth every penny considering how much I use it and rave about it.

It may be worth giving the online offer below a try – under Additional Resources. The offer requires you to complete a survey to receive Jack LaLanne’s Power Juicer for free. If you get that juicer, I wish you every bit of happiness and ultimate health with it.

Without it, life might not be as healthy and sweet and fun for me.

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