James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing PS2 Cheat Codes

James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing continues along the predictable lines of other James Bond books and games and movies. In this particular edition of the game, you take control of at least 4 different vehicles and travel through 4 different continents. The latest addition to the series is the rappel gun that increases the exploration possibilities in the game and also offers a new level of difficulty. The game also has a number of appearances by other celebrities such as Willem Dafoe and John Cleese.
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You have to guide James Bond through the various levels to complete the game, just like all the other James Bond games. The game supports upto 4 players and has both the single and the multi player modes. The game is primarily on-foot, but as stated before, you get to control different vehicles at times. The game, though good, is still just too similar to rest of the James Bond stuff to be rated any higher than 7/10 in my books. There are some good additions in terms of the rappel gun and the vehicles and certain parts of the game, but at mist, this is a game your should consider renting.
Below are some of the cheats for James Bond 007 : Everything or Nothing PS2 version. All the cheats mentioned below work as far as I know.
Get the Golden Gun:
While the game is paused, press Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle
Unlock the following characters or other options by earning the number of multi-player points listed below:
Arena Mode, and Cistern arena: 30 points
Baron Samedi: 50 points
Odd Job: 70 points
Egypt Commander: 90 points
Hezmet Guard: 110 points
Mya: 130 points
Test Lab arena: 160 points
Egypt Guard: 180 points
South Commander: 210 points
Moscow Guard: 230 points
Le Rogue: 260 points
Agent 003: 290 points
Katya Jumpsuit: 320 points
Serena: 350 points
Burn Chamber arena: 370 points
Diayato Moscow: 400 points
Serena: 430 points
Miss Nagai: 450 points
Unlock the following cheats by earning the number of platinum medals listed below:
Golden Gun: 1 Platinum Medal
Improved Traction: 3 Platinum Medals
Improved Battery: 5 Platinum Medals
Double Ammo: 7 Platinum Medals
Double Damage: 9 Platinum Medals
Full Ammo: 11 Platinum Medals
Cloak: 13 Platinum Medals
Full Battery: 15 Platinum Medals
All Weapons: 17 Platinum Medals
Unlimited Battery: 19 Platinum Medals
Unlimited Ammo: 23 Platinum Medals
Slow Motion Driving: 25 Platinum Medals
Platinum Gun: 27 Platinum Medals
In the “Train Chase” mission, there is a hidden motorbike. Turn right into a small room instead of turning left to the Porsche. The motorbike is hiding in this room.
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