Janet Jackson Takes the Stage on NBC’s Today Show

Friday, September 29, 2006 Janet Jackson and her army of dancers took stage at the NBC studios in celebration of her new album “20 Y.O.” Now me being a Janet Jackson mega fan or as we are now called “Janatics,” I was preparing for this concert weeks in advance. I had it circled on my calendar and was planning my outfit and plotting how I’d try to maneuver myself as close to the stage as possible. But then I was reading Janet-Xone.com and they had a contest for “VIP Seating” at the performance. So I sent in my entry and I Won!

So Friday, September 29th roles around and I have to be there EARLY! So I wake up at 4:30am shower and get dressed and I’m out of the house by 5am. I hit the train and I’m by the NBC studios no later then 5:30am. Well I wasn’t the only winner and in fact I should have been out there at 3am because there was a healthy line. But no matter this is Janet Jackson and I’ll stand anywhere in order to see her.

So one of the staff from the NBC Today show comes out and they tell us that we will be let in at 7am. So we are all like “ok, cool.” But mind you that it is raining outside and there is a slight chill in the air. So we are all ready to take our positions and get hyped up for Janet. 7am comes and goes. Then 7:30 roles around and we are all wondering if they are ever going to let us in. We see other people being let in and the Today Show rep. hasn’t come back to tell us what was going on. Then finally at 8:10 we are let in. All the waiting is over and we get our VIP passes with Janet Jacskon’s name on it. There are smiles all around as we take our places near the stage and seriously glad that the wait is over.

The dancers hit the stage first and get warmed up. They are posing and getting ready to give us all they’ve got. Then everyone starts screaming as Janet comes out and takes her position on stage. Then a loud explosion goes off as silver, green, and blue streamers fall from the sky. Janet then burst to the front of the stage and starts performing “Nasty.”
Everyone is screaming, snapping pictures, and singing along. Then she breaks into her current hit “So Excited.” The crowd goes even wilder as they chant the lyrics from the song, “Act bad/Don’t hurt me/Look sexy/Talk dirty.” The dance moves are explosive and everyone is blown away by the show. Rap super star Nelly then join Janet on stage as they perform their #1 hit “Call On Me.” After the performance is over Janet talks to the host of the Today Show, answers some fan questions, and then exits the area. Everyone is still screaming and clapping for her as she exits the area.

As everyone exits the performance area you can still feel the energy of the show in the air. And to really sum it all up, Janet Jackson is back. After all the controversy over her 2004 Super Bowl half time show, aka Nipplegate, incident Janet Jackson is fully back on track with her career and has proven that she is one of the legendary female artist of all times.

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