Jansport Backpack Review: A Must Have for People on the Go

Why am I so “pro Jansport?” Because I buy things with the purpose of actually using them, and they last or they don’t. I’ve had the same Jansport backpack for over 10 years. I’ve put this backpack through every torture imaginable and it has taken it all without a single complaint, and remains a stoic undeniable part of my daily ensemble. My Jansport backpack has comfortably made the transition of my being a student, to an office worker, to a day laborer, and back to being a student again, and has served me well all along the way.

When you say Jansport the first thing that usually comes to mind is the trusty ol’ backpack, or book bag that most students, kids, teenagers, and young adults are carrying around at any given school campus these days. Jansport backpacks and bags aren’t just a simple day pack anymore. Sure you can find the simple backpacks, and bags, but Jansport products have grown up over the years, and you can now find a Jansport backpack or bag to serve just about any purpose, that will meet with your unique style for today. So lets read on, and find out just what you can do with a Jansport backpack or bag.

Most Jansport backpacks and bags offer a number of zippered, Velcro, and or mesh drawstring pockets that make organizing a snap. Easy access to commonly used items is a big plus. The main compartment usually will zipper-down halfway or all the way down either side of the backpack for easier access to larger items. Jansport backpacks and bags come in varying sizes, and can include extra padding, to protect your laptop as well as other electronic devices like CD, DVD, and MP3 players.

Me personally? I’ve used my Jansport backpack to of course, “lug my books” around. But, over the years, I’ve used it more so to carry an assortment of things I like to keep handy. Things like, extra packs of cigarettes and backup lighter, lunch, snacks and bottled water, my safety kit (band aides, antacid, aspirin, decongestants and antihistamines), calendar, pens and pencils, note pads, extra change, and my glucose meter. The main compartment has always been an easy “catch all” for larger things like books, files, laptop, and well, just about anything else I can “cram in there,” that I otherwise don’t want to carry in my hands.

Care for my Jansport backpack is a breeze as well. Whenever I see that it’s getting a littlle “ratty looking,” I just toss it in with my regular laundry. Yup, that’s right, nothing special going on here, just a regular run through the washer and dryer and it looks like new. Some may want to go the extra step and apply a layer of water repellent, but it’s not really necessary.

While the Jansport backpack I have pictured here was obtained as a free marketing item from days gone by, any consumer can buy Jansport backpacks and bags starting out at around $25. With a little shopping around and price comparing, you can find the right Jansport backpack or bag that meets your budget, and suits your need and style. Feel free to start your search with the links to the side of this article, or try the links I’ve provided at the end of this article.

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