Jergens Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer; Restoring Balance to Skin

In my home, a busy schedule has taken over. Because of our hectic schedules, my children and I find that we often forget to take care of our my basic asset; our skin. With Jergens’ Ultra Healing Dry Skin Moisturizer, soft, smooth and moisturized skin can be achieved in just a few minutes and without re-application throughout the day.
Jergens’ Ultra Healing Dry Skin Moisturizer is a product used daily in my home. With moisture retaining lipids, this moisturizer provides 24 hours of hydration with little to no need for re-application until the next day. Additionally, the healing and softening ingredients work to restore softness and beauty to our skin. With age, our complexions begin to show the stress of environmental factors and nutrition deficits. With Jergens’ Ultra Healing Dry Skin Moisturizer, the effects of our environment are wiped away in one application. With daily use, a more youthful appearance begins to develop.
As with any moisturizing product, there are disadvantages to excessive use. Because of the moisturizing lipids, Jergens’ Ultra Healing Extra Dry skin Moisturizer should not be used on skin or body part which are already well moisturized or oily. By doing so, the moisture balance of the skin will be off set. Additionally, if suffering from a skin related medical condition, the product may not be safe as it will lock in moisture which may foster bacterial development. As a premier moisturizing product, which heals and smooths skin, the cost of the individual product may be somewhat burdensome to the budget conscious consumer. However, the moisturizer can be purchased in a convenient 1 oz tube for ease and convenience of carrying the product in your purse or back pocket.
Jergens’ Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer offers many advantages to the consumer in terms of restored moisture balance in the skin, improvise dryness which leads to a more youthful appearance without plastic surgery. Jergens offers a variety of skin products stemming from bath soaps to moisturizers. With cost of purchasing the larger container as a disadvantage to the consumer, the benefits of utilizing the product, once daily, will find many consumers absorbing the cost without the need for a variety of moisturizing products.