Job Interviews: A 10-step Approach

Ahh yes, we’ve entered the realms of self-doubt, uncertainty, confidence-killers and new styles in applied strategy. In some cases, one of the most difficult things to get over is a rejection – especially to something sweet. Losing a potential girlfriend, boyfriend, or opportunity is enough to make you think twice about what went down before the mishap occurred.

At the end, you often say to yourself, “Well I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”

Maybe it wasn’t, because if it were, it would’ve happened when it was supposed to happen, but it didn’t. Maybe since it didn’t happen at that moment, maybe it’ll happen at another. Maybe it won’t.

After reading this passage you should be able to:

*Identify potential problems that’ll ruin your chances at success.
*Learn ways to cope with rejection.
*Be able to move on.

Let us begin!

Lesson #1/ Dress professionally at an interview, ALWAYS

Even if it’s for a warehouse, painting or gardening position, always dress professionally. The idea you want to illustrate is that you can be a professional, and part of being able to do so starts at the beginning.

Lesson #2/ Don’t be a bragger

It’s nice to have that shiny Harvard plaque hanging in your home office, and to have that autographed Tiger Woods club hanging in your garage, or how wonderful it is to be the son of a father who owned a successful multi-million dollar business. These are all wonderful things indeed, but at the end of the day they don’t really matter. You might impress some employers, and others will be annoyed. Thus, its too risky to tell which are impressed and unimpressed, leave the bragging at home.

Lesson #3/ Have options just in case

I wasn’t too happy when I once tried auditioning for an actor’s role but I got turned down, but I had a plan. I knew it wasn’t the end of the world because I had other options available for me.
Never put all of your eggs in one basket, at least not in the beginning. A great interview barely guarantees that you made it. Continue to look for opportunities just in case that one falls through, you’ll have something else to count on.

Lesson #4/ Don’t say, “Ummm” too much

It might not be anything wrong with you; maybe you just say umm a lot. For some unknown reason, it’s hard to get away doing it in interviews. Employers love screwing with people’s minds in an interview. Saying Umm too often signifies that you are nervous and they will strike. They’ll ask questions that they feel you won’t be able to answer intelligently just so they can hear you Ummm your way out of an offer.

Lesson #5/ Eye contact is cool but don’t stare. Mix it up

It’s not a really big deal, but we don’t want to seem too animated. We don’t them to think they we just finished reading a script entitled Job Interviews: 10 step approach.
Despite what many tell you, it’s okay to briefly look away. Never look away when an employer is talking to you, and if you can help it do not turn behind you. Briefly wander but within their eyesight.

Lesson #6/ Smile every now and then

It’s okay to smile, too loosen up and just show that you have some sort of personality. Just don’t be too giggly throughout the interview. Be willing to show that you do have some sort of character; you don’t have to be such a stick in the mud.

Lesson #7/ Always carry a resume, Driver’s license and social security card

You never know, you might one day wind up getting hired right on the spot. Believe it or not, by having these items available you are demonstrating that you can be idealistic and ready to make moves. In some cases, an offer may be lost simply because you didn’t bring those necessary items.

By submitting a resume, employers have an opportunity to closely view your strengths and weaknesses. If they have something, they may be able to match it to what your skills are. If not, they’ll “keep it on file for 6-months.”

Lesson #8/ Answer questions quickly and intelligently

Nothing personal against the employer, but it would be in your best interest to not ramble on when asked a question. The reason being, we wouldn’t want them to know why were really looking for a job. Providing answers in an intelligent but concise manner can keep many of us from juggling between over-complicated explanations as a result of us talking too much. We know how much we kick ourselves when we do that.

Lesson #9/ Don’t be annoying while waiting to be seen or during the interview.

It does tend to get boring while waiting for to be seen or even during the interview process. The best thing to do in this situation is to read some of the boring magazines nearby. Even though you don’t know much about the NYSE or the development of Western Civilization, you want to disguise yourself by having something constructive
to do.

In the interview don’t: chew gum, beat on the desk, roll your head in circles, dangle your shoes, chew on your pen, suck your teeth, pick your teeth, continuously scratch your head rigorously, spin around in your chair, yawn, stretch, wiggle your leg,
lick your lips, sigh before answering, chew on a toothpick, make jokes, make funny noises and sounds, appear to cheerful, speak without using proper english, sit with your hands in your pocket, make faces, or constantly look around. Of course, the list goes on and on, be careful.

Lesson #10/Thank you letter’s are good, don’t take it personal, don’t burn bridges

Despite never receiving that opportunity, having to take a pay cut since your last position or whatever the reason always do a thank you letter for the interview. Thank you letters are the next step at showing professionalism.

It’s nothing to take personal. In many cases, a missed opportunity is a missed opportunity for a reason. It’s no need to take it personal. Infact, its better to understand you are a talented individual who can spot another potential chance in a different direction. In other instances, not receiving the opportunity isn’t necessarily your fault. There are times when you run across that one _________ who just won’t you let you slip by, and grill you to a succulent perfection. Superbly confident in your ability will make you realize it’s their loss, not yours.

The worst thing you can do is burn bridges by being unprofessional. You never know whom you may run into in your career. That one person, whom you cursed at entirely, raised a middle finger or walked out on may never forget or forgive you for that.
They’ll be waiting for the day to run across you again so they fire you, punish you or expose you amongst the rest as an example. Don’t fall asleep on that because it has happened before!

Good luck AC!

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