Join the Blogging Craze

The term blog is short for weblog and in the simplest view, a blog is just a website. How is a blog different than a regular website? A blog is very easy to update regularly and hence has become used primarily as an online diary or frequently updated news site. Regular or static websites are contrasted with the dynamic nature of blogs. Blogs are so easily changeable that the viewer may even change the look of the blog when they are reading it! Primarily known for political and religious content, blogs are quite diverse in their content today. Bloggers are writing from many different countries, background and occupations. Parenting blogs can be found alongside corporate blogs. Authors blog about their books and singers blog about their music. Even television is getting in on the act and “The Today Show” is creating a blog to take its place among the thousands of personal blogs covering. There are now approximately 11 million blogs online. Here are some reasons why you should consider setting up your own today.

-Be heard. Most of us have something to say. Admittedly, some of us have more to say than others. Instead of restricting your insights, gripes, criticisms and applause to those you know, why not share with the larger online community?

-Find like-minded individuals. Once the rest of the world (or at least a small portion of the world) knows your views, you will find others who think like you do. We all like to feel that we are not alone in our views. Thinking online allows those who think like you to find your blog and see what you have to say.

-Have interesting conversations. One of the great features of blogs is their ability to capture the comments of your visitors. Get instant feedback on what you wrote. Maybe even learn a thing or two.

-Update family and friends. Having a baby? Got kids who are growing up a little too fast and live away from grandparents? Use your blog to regularly update those who care about your family. Inform them of milestones large and small. You can even add photos of fun events!

-Keep track of fun vacation memories. While you are vacationing, you can post to your blog commentary about your trip and even pictures of memorable highlights of the trip while you are still on the road. By locating any computer or even using your cell phone, blogging does not have to stop while you travel.

-Find a use for that camera on your camera phone. Take pictures of anything with your camera phone and instantly post pictures to your blog. I know you were wondering exactly what you were going to do with that cool gadget anyway.

-Track your progress. Are you a novelist, scratching out chapter after chapter? Are you building a new house or planning a wedding? A blog allows you to track and store memories of your journey. Others who read will be informed and inspired by your story.

-Share your religion. Latest estimates show that a majority of blogs are religious in nature. You know what you believe and want to teach others about it. Consider a blog to lead people to understand your religious preferences.

-Support your favorite causes. Want to protect animals? Have a heart for preventing child abuse? Want to support our troops? A blog allows you to write interesting and supportive topics on your worthwhile cause or charity and allows you to publicize your cause so that others can join you.

-Share your knowledge. Do you have a field or subject that you know a lot about? Whether it is chess, gardening or cooking, most of us have devoted ourselves enough to pursuing one topic that we have some information to share. Do you have a list or resources to support your expertise that might save someone much time and trouble if they had access to it? If so, consider, creating a blog to store your information online and share is with others.

So are you convinced that a blog is a great opportunity for you? If so, you can start your blog today. There are several sites, growing daily in number it seems, which offer free blogs. You can get signed up and start blogging today. You may like it so much that you find you start another, another and another blog. Blogging is fun!

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