Jones Releases Impressive Indie Rock EP Let Em’ Believe What They Wanna Believe

Salam is a hybrid of sorts, the best of the first and the future indie rockers, with a voice reminiscent of Grace Slick in her prime, while the other half brings forth a definitive style that comes bubbling out with passion and energy. Mollerup has the right chemistry and attitude to match Salam’s non-stop energy with guitar licks that always befit the lyrics she is belting out.
Let Em’ Believe What They Wanna Believe is the latest release from Jones. It finds the band in great form offering some different slices of rock with an alternative slant yet it takes a deep refreshing drink from the classic well. The reason this band has such an impact is that their music reaches out to the 15-50 age group, which is a lot of area to cover. Tracks like the mover “Stirred But Unshakable” and the emotionally drenched “Hunger and Sweat” are what separate the men from the boys (or perhaps more appropriately, the girls from the women) in the world of music.
Jones is a band of veteran players that have their chops down and have no problem letting everyone know just how good they are on Let Em’ Believe What They Wanna Believe. They also have a back catalog of music that can attest to that lofty status. If you like to rock with feeling, its time to check out Jones.
Sharon Pippin at SP Talent
Jaguar Productions
Box 21146
Edmonton, AB. Canada
T6R 2V4
Tel: 780-486-2540
CD Baby Link
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