Journal Topics for the Month of November

Fall is in full blast, and winter is not far behind. Don’t get chilled trying to come up with journal topics for your students. Use the following topics.

  1. November 3rd was “Book Lover’s Day”. Write a brief paragraph about your favorite book.
  2. “National Sandwich Day” is also on November 3rd. Think about your favorite sandwich. Describe your favorite sandwich.
  3. November 4th is “King Tut Day”. King Tut was a pharaoh in ancient Egypt. He became king at 9 years old. He died at the age of 18. Do you think you could have handled the responsibility of running a country at that age? Would you make a good president of the United States at your age now?
  4. November 6th is “Basketball Day”. Research basketball. Write about how the sport was invented.
  5. “American Education Week” is the second week in November. Write a “Thank You” letter to your favorite teacher. Be sure to include your reasons for choosing this particular teacher in your letter.
  6. Sesame Street first debuted on November 10, 1069. Which character from the show is your favorite? Explain why you love this character.
  7. Create a list of your favorite fall foods.
  1. Veteran’s Day is in the month of November. Research World War I. Write 5 things that were a result of World War I.
  1. November 18th is Mickey Mouse’s birthday. Choose between Minnie Mouse or Mikey Mouse. Which one is your favorite character and why?
  2. “Young Reader’s Day” is always celebrated on the second Tuesday of November. It was founded in 1989 by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. List 6 books that you have read and would recommend to a friend and explain why you chose these books.
  3. November 22, 1963 is the anniversary of the shooting of President John F. Kennedy. Research President Kennedy. Write about the impact of his presidency on the United States of America.
  4. “World Kindness Day” is celebrated on November 13. List 5 ways that you can be kind to someone.
  5. “American Recycles Day” is celebrated on November 15. It is a day dedicated to keeping the earth clean. Think of 3 things that you can recycle. List those 3 things and explain why it is important to recycle.
  6. November 17 is “World Peace Day”. Research the Gulf War. Discuss the cause of the war and things that were a result of the war.
  7. November is “Good Nutrition Month”. Keep a diary of what you eat for next 3 days. Write a paragraph discussing what you discovered about your eating habits.
  8. Write a Thanksgiving poem.
  9. List 7 things that you are thankful for.
  10. What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
  11. “Great American Smoke-Out” is the third Thursday in November. It is designed to encourage smokers to plan how to quit smoking. Discuss things that you know about tobacco smoke.
  12. November 26 is “National Cake Day”. Describe your favorite cake and explain why you like it.

Use the journal topics listed above. And, have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

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