Judge Judy Versus Judge Milan on The People’s Court Who is More Popular?

When it comes to court television shows there seems to be an almost endless roster of choices. There are about six court television shows that currently come on television include a spanish version and divorce court, and the list continues to rise. But there are two women who seem to be the most popular among the fan circuit. Those two are Judge Judy which airs on NBC and “The People’s Court” which stars Judge Milan, which comes on CBS 2.
Of course everyone loves Judge Judy because she is a no nonsense kind of judge. She is definitely someone who takes no mess. Which is actually a little opposite of her calmer husband who used to be the judge of the show. People love her because she is usually a really good judge of character and can tell almost instantly when someone is lying. It’s almost hard to believe that many people are still as daring as they are to appear on her show.
Especially teenagers, since she seems to literally eat them up and spit them out. If you take a look at Judge Judy’s website which is www.judgejudy.com you will see a site that is a lot more interactive then Judge Milan. They have an option where you can submit your case to Judge Judy online. Just click on the submit your case box and then fill in the information. If they find your case interesting enough they will give you a call. You can also find out when your show will be airing by taking a look online.
They also have many other options like, crossword puzzles, and Judge Judy e-cards. Judge Milan of the people’s court is almost the opposite personality of Judge Judy. She is a lot calmer and nicer. Some feel that it is the age difference because Judge Judy has been a judge a lot longer than Judge Milan. Another thing is that some attorneys who have appeared on the people’s court tend to think that she is a joke and don’t take her too seriously because of how nice she can be.
But don’t let her mother like attitude fool you. She will definitely not hesitate to throw anyone who is overly annoying out of her courtroom. She also seems to get very frustrated at stupidity as with Judge Judy. Her website however which is www.peoplescourt.com you will see that they have a lot of options but it is not as nice as Judge Judy’s website. Of course this does not mean that Judge Judy is better than Judge Milan. It really is more of a personal choice.
With all that said who is the more popular of the two female Judges? It really is hard to say since the ratings are almost equal. Also they both usually air at the same time. That however is soon to change since Judge Judy is making the move to CBS 2. What does this mean for “The Peoples Court” with Judge Milan? Is she being replaced by Judge Judy? Well we all just have to wait until the fall season begins and see what happens. But if Judge Milan ends up getting booted then we will definitely know who the more popular Judge is. Regardless they are both very good at when they do since they have both been on for so long.