Judy’s Book Trustscore Exploit Theory

This tutorial is a small theory I devised after working as a City Editor for Judysbook.com for 2 months.

Trustscore is a score calculated my the Judysbook.com website. City Editors have to maintain a score of an 8 or better. (10 is max). People who want to become City Editors for monthly merchant offer incentives have to achieve a Trustscore of an 8 before applying.

Here are my little tips and tricks for beating the Trustscore system on www.judysbook.com


Well, let’s see. After being in Judy’s Book for a while, I decided that there has to be a better way to raise Trustscore other than writing so many dang reviews. (I would rather save reviews to write for future promotions for example)

So, I thought about it and developed the idea that trustscores could be improved more efficiently and “easier through an emphasis on “readership” and replies.

Recently there have been posts on the City Editor official blog stating changes in the trustscore system in favor of my Trustscore Theory. The below is an excerpt of the most important changes that took place April 11th:

******start excerpt
Lately we have received a good amount of feedback regarding Trustscore and for the past few weeks we have been listening to all of that feedback and making some changes to our calculation of the TrustScoreSM system. This Wednesday, we’re changing the way this number is calculated to identify and better reward our most active and helpful members.

A few notable changes:

* How well you’re respected by your community is important, as indicated by your total readership, length of membership and response to your reviews.

* There is now more weight on member reaction to your content (i.e. numbers of agrees or disagrees) and less weight on your network size.

Tips for Increasing Your TrustScoreSM:

* Write great reviews – the more the better
* Answer questions – help out others in your community
* Provide feedback for other Judy’s Book members with comments, agrees and disagrees.
******end excerpt

Something that I noticed right off the bat and was happy to hear was that there is more weight added to readership in calculating Trustscore. The number of agrees are also very important.

Basically my theory is that if friends work together they can raise each other’s trustscores. I believe that if friends “view” all of each other’s reviews, repetitively… the person recieving the page views will benefit greatly in the readership portion of the Trustscore calculation system. Also, adding many “agrees” regardless of post content would be easy and benefitial as well. A few replies and comments should also be done each day to tell the Trustscore calculator that you are still an active member.

That’s basically my Trustscore Theory in a nutshell. If you notice many people who have phenomenal trustscores have a few “biggest fans” who have viewed their posts about 500 times or so. I think if we can get enough friends to cooperate in this and get 300 review views from each our trustscores will significantly increase soon. So far it has been working for me.

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