Juneteenth Celebrations in Wisconsin

Juneteenth is a nationwide celebration to honor the date June 19, 1865. This date commemorates the ending of slavery in the United States, and is marked as African American Emancipation Day. Today, it is celebrated in schools and local organizations by highlighting African American freedom, contributions, and achievement. World wide, it honors the African American culture, its rich history, and its potential in the future.

People of all races, nationalities, and backgrounds take part in Juneteenth, and Madison, Wisconsin is home to a medium-sized population of African Americans, descendants, and church and social groups. Activities to celebrate this day have included guest speakers, picnics, exhibits, luncheons, galas, fashions shows, and family gatherings. Many libraries, church groups, and neighborhoods also host a series of group events. The year 2006 holds another year of celebrations for Juneteenth, as both Madisonians and travelers to the area can take part in a host of activities:

The Nehemiah Community Development Corporation hosts both an educational, and entertaining Juneteenth celebration each year for Dane County. This year’s festivities include dance, music, ethnic food, a youth parade, booths from vendors and artisans, and live performances throughout the day the Monona Terrace Convention Center in downtown Madison. A Juneteenth Youth Parade around the Capitol Square another highlight this year. Contact (608) 257-2453 for more information.

The Madison Center for Self-Determination, the Kujichagulia, is sponsoring a Juneteenth Parade and Festival at Penn Park, in Madison. The parade starts at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 17th at a south side church, and features live music, artwork, and festivities. Various organizations have banded together to raise funds and awareness for this one-of-a-kind parade. This year’s parade is sponsored by this new organization, which also hosts events for Kwanaa and runs a variety of Afro-centric education programs. Contact (608) 255-5270 for more information.

In Milwaukee, the Juneteenth Day Street Festival will draw crowds from around the city to commemorate the event. The celebration will take place on Atkinson Street, King Drive, West Locust, and Chamber Street.

The Overture Center will host “The Roots of Juneteenth in Wisconsin,” a lecture and exhibit sponsored by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. The 2-hour program scheduled for June 14, will discuss what life was like for African Americans in Madison during the slavery era in Wisconsin. It will also feature poetry readings, presentations, and informational sessions with local historians. Contact (608) 263-1692 for more information.

A Juneteenth Parade is scheduled for for Monday, June 19 around Martin Luther King Boulevard in Madison. This parade will also feature festivities with food and entertainment. Call (414) 372-3770 for more information.

Even if you are unable to attend any of these events in Wisconsin, you can learn more about this important celebration by visiting the National Juneteenth Holiday Campaign website. Here, a full historical account and listing of nationwide events is available, as well as political information on various groups.

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate, Juneteenth is a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the generations of African Americans who have contributed in many ways to America today. Their rich and diverse cultural history will always remain a part of American culture, and this is just one day of the year to honor their achievements, strong ties, and communities.

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