Junk Mail Can Improve Your Self Esteem

I hear people complain about junk mail, you know all those credit card offers, catalogs and the like that comes in your postal mail. But I just don’t get it.

Now I can see why people don’t want junk email, more commonly referred to as spam. Now that makes sense. First of all, it takes time to delete all those emails. Secondly, they can be dangerous, containing virus, worms and all those other nasty things mean strangers send to damage our computers. And the third reason is the fact that I fear that as I am deleting them I will accidentally delete an email that I wish to read.

But junk mail that comes via my mail box does not irritate me. It amuses me and yes sometimes it helps my self esteem. Now just bare with me and I will explain.

When you go out to your mail box, you like finding something out there. If you walk out there everyday and find nothing, you begin to wonder if you even exist to the outside world. Plus, you get to thinking that the walk is a waste of your time. And when you do get something it is always nice to see that it isn’t all bills. Okay, so that flyer from the pizza place in town isn’t as nice as a card from your friend who lives 500 miles away from you. But lets face it friends don’t usually write as in actual letters anymore. That is why we have the internet. And the pizza flyer is the restaurant’s way of saying come visit us. Sure they want your money. But lets don’t focus on the negative here.

Now stop and think about some of the other types of junk mail you receive. What do you get the most? Credit card offers? These are also a self esteem builder. What do you do when you get them? Toss them in the trash right away or do you look at them shake your head and then toss them in the trash? If you do either of these things, then guess what that has just implied? It proved that you are smart. You didn’t fall for their sales pitch, you aren’t ruining your credit. Congratulations, you are a savvy and smart person.

My favorite form of junk mail is those endless catalogs, especially the ones we receive around Christmas time. They serve lots of purposes. First, they make us dream. We have all seen those unforgettable pieces of jewelry, beautiful and sometimes useless pieces of furniture, beautiful and pricey lingerie, and those tempting chocolates in catalog after catalog. Now remember you are suppose to be thinking of the positive here. What positive self esteem builder do they represent, the ability to dream, to think that someday we will be richer and could afford these things. This means we aren’t giving up and that we are striving for more.

Yet, catalogs aren’t just for dreaming purposes. A lot of people actually order from them. Plus, sometimes they have unique, different types of presents in these catalogs than you can find at Wal-Mart. It is easier to shop this way than fighting the crowds at the mall. And yes you can shop their catalogs via the computer. But you can’t snuggle underneath your favorite blanket watching sitcoms and still be sifting from page to page on a computer screen. But you can with a catalog you hold in your hand. Then if you find something you can usually order it from your computer for faster delivery.

This time of the year the second leading form of junk mail is the advertisements from your local businesses. I am shocked to learn people is annoyed by these, too. I am not. I was taught to be a wise shopper. A wise shopper needs to know what is on sale and will even use a coupon or two. With the price of gas, it saves money knowing which store has what item for sale. Again, using junk mail this way makes you smart and saves you time.

Now for the most important reason I think there is for allowing junk mail to continue. They, as in all the endless businesses that sends out flyers, catalogs, post cards, sales letters, offers, etc. etc, pay a huge amount of money each year on postage. Just think about it. What do you as an average person spend on postage each year? I bet you only send out a handful of cards and letters, (again, because of the internet) and your bills. That doesn’t really add up to much money each year. This is where all these businesses plays there part. They pick up the slack. They help the Post Office to pay for all their workers, to make sure you do receive your bills and important letters. And they help keep down the cost of postage for me and you. If it weren’t for these businesses, postage would be as high as the bill you are sending through the postal service in the first place.

So the next time you go to your mail box, keep some of these ideas in mind. The junk mail proves you exist, makes you dream, shows that you are smart enough not to fall for every sales pitch out there and they keep the post office running smoothly. And if you don’t want all the mail, toss it into the trash, it only takes a couple of minutes and the trash gives your trash company something to haul away and gives their workers a reason to have a job.

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