Just Spill it Website Review

My seemingly offended Bush fan had his fill of my open-ended debates and anti-Bush Administration merchandise. Freedom of speech had an understood foundation. It was beyond that foundation where one could fumble on some seemingly sharp rocks of a possible anarchist movement. It was then, I decided to aim a pen at reviewing my own website in a purpose filled biased. This “bad reputation” had to be remedied, or encouraged.
First, an open and honest mistake, there is indeed anarchy symbols plastered over some merchandise, along with massive amounts of insulting religious ranting suited up with anti-Bush garbage. Needless to say, these are the things that are usually deleted or censored. Second, the site and its merchandise are proposed to offend dogmatic belief systems. All of this I have to admit as its founder, but it goes much deeper, deeper than its assumed anarchist function.
One must step beyond the boundary of comfortable footing, into the chaotic realm of that which taunts our most sacred parts of the psyche. We have already pried open a few eyes, then of course, there were others, we shut. Censoring has been disabled and handed back to be our parent’s right. We are beyond propaganda of every kind and do not have safety nets protecting our consumer base. In fact, our strategies for marketing can be shown in our famous tag line, “you have just become our target market.” It is absolute truth to those who are consumers of our products, truth that our consumers love to speak them.
Still to others, our web page is probably smeared with a book of lies. Our point beyond this all is a freedom to say what we wish to say when we want to say it, even if it is offensive or abrasive. It is, as is, justspillit, so named so people could just spill it on everything from posters to t-shirts, coffee mugs to buttons and bumper stickers. My personal bias view, justspillit.com has a lot to say, even to those who have stopped listening. We are a tiny frame, in a large web. Weave through it and you just might find us in a small shop somewhere in the midst of cafepress.com. A word to the wise, it is not for the weak. We don’t mind if you stop by and hate us, simply stop by and notice us. If we get any more daring, we’ll need a disclaimer.