KY Touch Massage 2 in 1 Warming Body Massage Plus Personal Lubricant

KY Touch Massage 2 in 1 Warming Body Massage Plus Personal Lubricant is marketed as something that “Creates a gentle warming sensation on contact”. It is suppose to heighten your sexual experiences. My experiences were less than heightened with this product. I paid $5 for 2.5 ounces for this product, and it lasted one evening. I think it makes a good massage oil, but as a lubricant leaves much to be desired.

As massage oil it did indeed provide a nice slick, not greasy, feel. It was warm under the touch of hands, and it worked well into the muscles. It kept well without getting gummy or flaky as some other massage oils have been in my opinion. If it was marketed as just a massage oil or massage gel it would be great. It is as a lubricant that it misses its mark, I feel. The personal lubricant side of the gel gets slightly warm, but not so much that you can really tell. It is much more noticeable as a massage aid than as a personal lubricant. It also stays slick throughout the evening. After your need for a personal lubricant is over, however, it turns ice cold (in my experience). This ice cold sensation lasted over an hour for me, and did nothing to heighten anything other than my annoyance at the sensation that I had sat on a popsicle. Cold doesn’t do anything to heighten my pleasure. HOWEVER, I do know that “different strokes for different folks” so I am aware that there will be some out there that is indeed turned on by the warm feeling turning cold afterwards. Perhaps it will even be a huge plus in someone’s book.

This review serves to let those who haven’t tried the KY Touch Massage 2 in 1 Warming Body Massage Plus Personal Lubricant that the warming sensation is wonderful as a massage oil, and does okay as a personal lubricant so long as you realize that there is a very good chance that the friction of use will turn it ice cold afterwards. If you are okay with this or even looking forward to this iciness, then this is a great massage oil and lubricant. I thought it was a bit misleading that this coolness afterwards wasn’t even alluded to in the description. Only that warmth that will “transport you to an other world”. It was the sheer coldness of it afterwards that made me want to go to another world, or anywhere else but where I was.

For more information on the KY Touch Massage 2 in 1 Warming Body Massage Plus Personal Lubricant:

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