Kabul Afghanistan Safety: For Americans

Although it has been several years since the United States invaded Afghanistan, overthrew the Taliban, and (essentially) created a young democratic government with the help of the Northern Alliance, travel to Kabul remains a dangerous enterprise – but a rewarding one nonetheless. Many adventure-seeking Americans are eager to explore a culture that was cloistered and repressed for so long, while some prospecting types are ready to advance their business interests through investment in a new market. Other travelers are there to provide ongoing humanitarian aid. Whatever your reason for visiting Kabul, you should make personal security a top priority. Here are some basic guidelines on Kabul Afghanistan safety for Americans.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Air Travel to Kabul
Kabul international airport (KBL) is the gateway to Afghanistan. Only a handful of carriers are available, and Americans will likely connect through Frankfurt, Moscow, Istanbul, or Islamabad (Pakistan), or Baku (Azerbaijan). The commercial airline with the safest record is probably Pakistan International Airlines, but Afghanistan’s own national airline, Ariana, also has a steady schedule of flights.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Passport and Visa
Safe travel to this still-unstable country begins with proper documentation. In addition to a valid passport, Americans visiting Afghanistan need to arrange a visa before departure through the Afghan Consulate in Washington. The one-page application is remarkably short, but it does require a description of what you intend to see, how long you will be there, and where you will be staying. It must also be accompanied by a letter from an employer, a NGO, or a private sponsor. So be sure to have your full itinerary planned before you apply for the visa. If possible, apply two weeks in advance of departure to keep the costs down, as the expedited price quickly doubles from $50 to $100. For details, see www.embassyofafghanistan.org.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Kidnapping and Violence
There have been several media-worthy kidnappings of American and British citizens, even in the better-policed capital of Kabul. While there is not as dramatic an “insurgency” as seen in Iraq, there are pockets of strong pro-Taliban resistance that lash out against Americans and other Western visitors. It is highly recommended not to walk anywhere alone in Kabul, especially at night. Since many Western visitors frequent the same group of hotels in Kabul, it would be wise to meet these people, share information, and explore together when feasible. Popular hotels include the Hotel Continental. Park Residence, Safi, and Kabul Serena. If you wish to hire a reputable local guide for added safety and cultural exchange, it’s best to ask hotel staff or Americans who’ve been in Kabul for some time, as these folks will have the best current recommendations. Avoid anyone who approaches you directly to serve as a guide, even if they speak solid English.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Theft
While it is vital to have plenty of money accessible while in Kabul, Americans are wise not to draw attention to cash or wear personal effects of real (or apparent) value. In addition to keeping money stowed on various parts of your body when out and about, you should also keep photocopies of passports and visas at your hotel. Be especially wary around public markets, such as the “Chicken Street” area. Public transit should also be avoided, as a foreigner on an Afghan bus will open himself/herself to theft. Even though many Afghans did welcome liberation by Americans, Westerners are typically regarded as rich, suspect, and naÃ?¯ve by the largely poor, unemployed population.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Medical Facilities
As you might expect, medical provisions in Kabul are poor. The US State Department does recommend a German Clinic (www.medical-kabul.com), which is located on Ansary Street, a few blocks from the Dutch Embassy. This facility operates in conjunction with a German NGO and provides an alternative to the unregulated public hospitals of Kabul.

Kabul Afghanistan Safety: Radio Stations
One way to stay informed is to listed to BBC Radio at 101.6, a reliable source for information. This is one of the only English broadcasts available in Kabul.

Have a safe, productive visit to this recovering capital.

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