Keep Yourself Cool Without Air Conditioner

In the summer time, an air conditioner will keep you very cool. However, you can end up with a high electricity bill if you use it too much. Or, you might just not have one at the time. I myself had to deal with both of these problems over the years. I learned a few techniques that will keep your home cool without using an AC.


It may seem obvious, but fans are a great alternative to air conditioners. They are especially helpful when placed in a window if the temperature outside is cool enough. Sometimes it is best to put a fan directly next to your bed as you sleep. If it is still too hot, consider putting a bowl of ice and water in front of the fan. If it isn’t hotter outside than inside, you should open up all of your windows to get a nice tunnel breeze. Don’t forget that ceiling fans can be a great help also.

During the day

Taking a cold shower or bath is a great way to cool down. Sometimes it will keep you cool for a while after you get out too. Try to avoid moving around too much, and the fewer people that are in each room the better. Body heat can quickly raise the temperature of a room. If your home has more than one floor, stay on the lowest floor as often as possible. It can also be helpful to eat cold things like ice cream and frozen pops.

At night

As previously stated, having a fan in the window or next to your bed is a good idea to stay cool. Try sleeping without a blanket. If you need to cover up with something, sleep with a thin sheet. For those of you that share a bed with your special someone, avoid cuddling and sleeping too close to one another on these hot nights. If the heat becomes too intense for you to sleep, soak a few pieces of cloth in very cold water and put one on your head, legs and arms while you sleep.


Heat can be a dangerous thing. If it is too hot and your health is at risk, you should seek help. These suggestions are simply for folks who are dealing with uncomfortable heat but don’t have air conditioners. Also, everyone should make sure they drink plenty of water when it’s hot to avoid dehydration.

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