Keeping Deer Away from Your Home

Deer are beautiful creatures. However, many states have too many. I live in Iowa which has a major deer population problem. All of their natural predators have been pushed out of the area. This makes the population rise each and every year. Some people have problems with deer eating their flowers. Some folks have problems with deer eating their crops. For these families, here are some simple tips to keep deer away from your home for good.

Keep Deer Trees Off Your Property
Deer in different parts of the country eat different types of plants. However, there are certain types of trees that deer all over the country eat. It is wise to keep these trees off your property. These trees include: Eastern Redbuds, Norway Maples, Balsam Firs, English Ivy, Apply, Plum, and Cherry trees.

Shocking Deer
Some farms and acreages already have electrical wire around their property to keep cattle and horses inside. However, this wire can also be used to keep deer away. First, you must attract the deer with peanut butter smeared on the wire. Deer love peanut butter, so they will be drawn to it and shocked once they try to eat. Deer will remember the shock and will permanently stay away from this spot forever.

Aromatic Plants and Deer
Humans may be drawn to sweet smelling flowers and plants, but deer tend to stay clear. If you plant around your garden or house with lavender, mint, or lemon, chances are, you will have much less deer problems.

The Right Timing for Preventing Deer
Deer are like people in the fact that they like routine. This means that families of deer will travel and eat along the same pastures and fence lines for their entire lives. If you don’t already have a deer problem, implement the repellant features into your landscaping plan. This will prevent deer from ever making it a habit to come into your yard. If you already have a deer problem, be persistent. Once the deer stay away for an entire season, don’t stop there. Keep at it until it appears the routine has changed.

Some people love to watch deer. I tend to think these are the people who don’t have deer munching on their beautiful flower gardens or vegetable gardens. Deer are great as long as they are out of your yard. By implementing these simple yard elements, your home will become a deer repellant.

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