Keeping Your Baby’s Teeth and Gums Healthy

Many new parents wonder when they should begin to brush their little ones teeth. Do you start as soon as they get their first tooth or do you wait until he or she has a couple of teeth? Some feel that you do not need to brush them since they will just end up falling out anyway. While it is true that the first teeth children get will be replaced by permanent teeth, it is still important for parents to take care of them as soon as they get them.

First of all, these first teeth hold the place for the permanent teeth. Any type of tooth decay or loss of the first teeth can permanently deform your child mouth. In addition these first teeth will be needed in order for your child to learn to bit and chew. Therefore if these teeth are lost, it can actually interfere with your babies’ nutrition. Besides the earlier you start setting the example of good dental hygiene the quicker your child will pick it up.

But how do you clean your baby’s teeth? Of course you would not want to use a toothbrush or even baby toothpaste. What you will need to do if first wipe your babies teeth with a clean damp washcloth or you can use an infant toothbrush. Just moisten the cloth or brush with water and wipe the teeth down after each meal. At first your child may resist this and they may even try to bite you or clench their mouth closed. This is perfectly normal; it will usually just take them some time to get used to this procedure. Brushing is not the only way to keep your babies teeth and gums healthy. It is very important that you follow an important diet.

Babies need an adequate intake of calcium, phosphorus, fluoride, and vitamin c, in order to keep the gums and teeth healthy. Try to avoid giving them too many foods that are full of sugar. This would include teething biscuits which are usually very high in sugar. If you choose to serve your baby sweets it should only be given once a day and with other foods. By doing this you will help to keep the damage to your baby’s teeth minimal. Did you know that cheese such as cheddar seems to be able to block the action of tooth decaying acids according to many pediatricians and researchers? It is also important that you baby not be allowed to sleep with a bottle. A nighttime bottle only adds to unhealthy teeth and gums.

Most kids do not need to visit the dentist until they reach their third birthday, so you will not have to worry about that for a while. If however you begin to notice a problem with your child’s teeth then you will want to take them to the dentist as soon as possible to help prevent any further damage. Keeping your baby’s teeth and gums healthy is definitely an easy task to accomplish. It will just take a little effort on the part of the parents.

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