Keeping Your Home Clean and Clutter Free

But there is a way to keep your home clean consistently so that the clutter does not pile back up. Simply put, pick up around your house daily. Usually only once or twice a day is all that is necessary to keep your home looking neat. Start in one room and work your way around the house. The only item required to complete this task is an empty clothes basket or some other large container. Go through the room and put all the things that don’t belong in the basket. It is best to go around the room in a circle to make sure you don’t miss anything. Then take the basket to the next room. Put away whatever is in the basket that belongs in that room. Continue doing this from room to room and work your way through the entire house.
This method works great when you are trying to figure out how to clean a really messy house. In that case, you will need to go through your home twice. The first time, just put the belongings in the right room. Then the second time, go to each room and put the items in their actual places.
If something doesn’t have a permanent spot then give it one. Many times rooms become overrun with items that have never been assigned a set location. So they wind up being shuffled from place to place. So once you determine where you want that possession to be located in your home, keep it there from then on.
Then once you have uncluttered your home you can easily keep it that way. Put things away as soon as you are done with them. Or when you leave a room, take whatever you brought with you and put it away. This way you can avoid everyday clutter. Your home will look nice and you will enjoy living there. Also, you’ll never again panic when you get unexpected company because the house isn’t clean.