Keeping Your Jack-O-Lantern Fresh in Hot Climates

For those of us who live in warm climates, the end of October is sometimes just an extension of a long, hot summer. Jack-o-lanterns don’t always survive more than a day or so on the front porch during an especially warm fall. Here are some things you can do to keep your jack-o-lantern looking fresh longer.

1. Choose well. When you choose a pumpkin, make sure there are no soft or moldy spots. Pick your own pumpkin right off the vine from a pumpkin patch. If you’re in a location where you don’t have access to a pumpkin patch, and you have to buy a pumpkin from a grocery store or some other location, choose one that isn’t sitting directly in the sun.

2. Coat with oil. Use cooking oil or petroleum jelly to wipe down the cut edges. This will help lock in moisture and keep your jack-o-lantern from dehydrating.

3. Bleach solution. Mix one teaspoon of bleach to a quart of water. Place the solution in a spray bottle and spray the inside and cut edges of the jack-o-lantern. This will prevent mold and bacteria from growing in the jack-o-lantern and causing premature decay.

4. Keep it inside. Don’t put your jack-o-lantern outside until Halloween night. Jack-o-lanterns will begin to flop in just hours in the high heat of our southern states, so keep it inside on a table that faces a window if you want to show it off.

5. Don’t use candles. Heat from candles used to light your jack-o-lantern can shorten its life. Use battery operated tea lights; most of these still flicker and emit a realistic candlelight. If you must use candles, cut a hole in the top back side of the jack-o-lantern to let some of the heat escape.

6. Keep it in the refrigerator. Keep your jack-o-lantern in the refrigerator at night. This will help preserve it and keep it from decaying too soon.

7. Soak it in ice water. When your jack-o-lantern is starting to dehydrate after a couple of days, fill your kitchen sink with water and throw in some ice. Soak your jack-o-lantern overnight, face side down in the water, and by morning it will be plumped up.

With a little bit of attention, you can keep your jack-o-lantern looking fresh for up to a week, even if you live in a hot climate. So, choose your pumpkin well and sharpen up those carving tools!

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