Keeping a House Cleaning Check List: Tips and Tricks

It’s 2 am and your C.S.I marathon is finally over. You peel yourself off the couch and think, “There was something I was supposed…” and then a tower of laundry and dishes falls suffocating you to your untimely death. Then you wake up of course, and realize you didn’t do any of your housework. What could have prevented this? A house-cleaning check-list.

If you’re like me, and many others, it’s not that you don’t intend to clean, it’s that you didn’t really want to, and as if the brain has some evil conspiracy against you-or for you perhaps? You forget. This results in cleaning being done only when necessary, like when you have no pants, or you’ve run out of foods that don’t require forks. Nobody likes a pant-less, fork-less person.

Making a house cleaning check list to avoid this really isn’t hard. First, look around and see what needs to be done and write it down. Go nuts, pretend you have all the free time in the world. Now, throw that list in the trash and get realistic. That first house cleaning check list was like a brain storming session, get down to the nitty gritty of what can be accomplished weekly and daily. Leave the rest to a “to do” list for times when you find yourself feeling energetic or at least on a less frequent basis. The ceiling doesn’t need to be washed weekly for instance, more logically maybe not even monthly. If your list is ungodly long chances are it’ll end up like much other things in your house, unused in a junk drawer.

Second your going to want to put this house cleaning check list somewhere you’ll see it, a lot, so that you are constantly reminded of what you’re trying so hard to forget. The refrigerator door is a good choice. I also like to scratch off things as I do them, as if to give myself a mental pat on the back, “I did alll this stuff”. Sounds silly I know, but it’s a wonderful excuse to reward yourself with ice cream or new bubble bath.

You could even combine your house cleaning check list with a schedule. Example: Dishes: Tuesday and Thursday. This is also a good time to assign tasks to people if you are not alone in your chores. If so remember to write clearly. This is another good reason for putting it in a high traffic spot. They’ll see it!

Stay organized. Keep up with your house cleaning check list. Remember to make a new cleaning checklist each week, and change it as needed. If others are helping you, you may also want to switch up which tasks everyone does. It helps keep people from getting burned out so to speak on cleaning on particular area.

Always keep in mind that you wrote your list, if you need to amend it, you can. Just do what works best for you, and try to have fun. You can keep a clean house, and lead a rich life at the same time.

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