Kentucky Helps Families Pay for High Summer Energy Costs

According to a recently published press release, Kentucky Governor Ernie Fletcher has announced that another $3.9 million will be available to the elderly and low income families who need assistance in paying for high energy bills after the hot summer months.

In early August, Governor Fletcher announced that low income families and the elderly would receive $2.5 million in grants to keep cool throughout August.

Governor Fletcher said, “The extreme heat Kentucky has endured this summer poses a financial burden, in addition to health and safety dangers, for Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. This money will help thousands more families who need additional resources to keep cool during the hot weather.”

The additional $3.9 million in grants is directly from the federal government to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

As for the funds, Governor Fletcher has directed the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services to immediately release the funds to low income families and senior citizens who desperately need the help.

Kentucky residents that can be considered for the funds must live in a household that is at or below 130 percent of the federal poverty line. These people are eligible by the state for one-time assistance. In addition, homeowners and renters are also eligible for the funds. However, qualifying households must pay for their energy bills as a direct payment to their energy provider or as party of their rent.

However, it is only limited to$3,000 if at least one person in the household is 60 or older or disabled, $4,000 if a member of the household has an illness which requires cash resources to be accessed regularly for medical and living expenses, and $2,000 for all other households.

At the moment 23 of Kentucky’s regional Community Action Agency offices will accept applications for the energy assistance from qualifying families until all of the state and federal funds run out. Qualified people are at each of the regional offices and will answer all questions about the funds and how families can smoothly apply for them.

More information about the grants and how they can be applied for is available at any of Kentucky’s 23 regional Community Action Agency offices. More information can also be obtained by calling 1-800-456-3452. Although operators at the toll free number can not accept applications, they can direct callers to local agencies that will accept applications. Anyone can also visit the web site at to find local CAA offices.

Source: “Governor Fletcher Announces $3.9 Million in Additional Energy Assistance.”

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