Kicking the Butts

of those years lost from smoking. Smoking cessation products and programs abound. Millions
are spent each year on these products and programs.
Unfortunately, even with all the money spent many people fail in their long term goal to quit
smoking. This is most often the result of outside stresses coupled with the internal cravings. For
a program to be successful it must address both issues. It should also have an element of
behavioral programming and replacement therapy. Starting a goal activity, adding supplements
for energy and depression fighters, and tapering off will all help to enhance the chances for
Picking an activity and setting a goal is a great first step. Setting an exercise goal, such as
weight training three times a week or simply getting 30 minutes of exercise four times a week,
will help you to start practicing goal setting. The exercise will also add to the health boost from
quitting smoking. Goal setting is an important step in smoking cessation. Smoking cessation
itself is a goal. Getting a friend to join you, or at least reporting to a friend or family member,
will help to keep you on track. This is going to be important as you progress down the road to
complete cessation.
After two or three weeks of this new exercise routine it is a good idea to add some supplements
to offset the energy let-down and slight depression that sometimes accompanies quitting.
Simply adding a good multi-vitamin and mineral formula is a good start. A natural energy
supplement containing ginseng and other stimulants can help offset the energy drop. This, along
with the added success of goal setting and exercise, will help to stave off the depression.
Two weeks after the introduction of the supplements it is time to taper off the cigarettes. This
may mean using a smoking cessation product such as patches or gum. You may be able to
simply smoke a little less each day until you no longer smoke at all. This will still not be an easy
venture but usually if you can get past the one week mark it is a downhill slide after that.
Continue the goal activity to keep the health benefits coming. This will make those craving days
a little easier also. Add other hobbies or activities to replace the need to smoke. Quitting will
also bring a great savings in your monthly spending. Setting a goal for this new found money
and then saving toward that goal will serve as a reward for quitting.
Goal setting, energy supplements, and tapering will help to ensure a more successful cessation
program. The exercise and nutritional supplements will improve the health benefits received
from no more smoking. The money saved can be used toward a big reward for quitting. This is
one time when quitting is encouraged and can lead to a wealth of benefits.