Killer Nashville 2006

The two-day premiere event began on Friday September 15th with a series of assorted author book signings, panel discussions . The event continued Saturday September 16th with a day-long conference consisting of workshops and guest panel discussions at the Embassy Suites- Nashville South.

The inaugural year of the literary conference Killer Nashville 2006 grew from an idea to a reality after only two month of planning. It was a destined event that grew rapidly.

“As of 2006 and covering a six-state region, the Southeast Mystery Writers of America (SEMWA) had no unified central way of reaching fans of mystery, nor any event to promote fellow authors of the Mystery Writers of America (MWA) at large. During various discussions with members of SEMWA, MWA, existing conference producers, booksellers, event planners, bankers, and government officialsÃ?­and a rather circuitous progression highlighting various possibilitiesÃ?­the idea for Killer Nashville as an annual event was born.”

“Through the tutorage of Reed Coleman (Executive VP / Mystery Writers of America), Margery Flax (Mystery Writers of America office manager), Kris Montee and Kelly Nichols (the NY Times bestselling P.J. Parrish writing team), Robbie Bryan of Barnes & Noble, and the support of the SEMWA and MWA boards and membership, numerous volunteers, two bookstores, producer Clay Stafford, and the resources and staff of American Blackguard, Killer Nashville 2006 has grown from an idea to a reality.”

Killer Nashville 2006 was a smashing success! The panels and workshops flowed very well in spite of such a short time to pull the event together. Much to the credit of the organizers that worked around the clock to insure a spectacular event.

Participants are looking forward to Killer Nashville 2007.

Plans for the 2007 event will soon be underway.

Watch for more information on

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