Kimochis: First Person Review

Kimochis, which are known as toys with feelings inside, are stuffed toys that serve a purpose important to preschooler’s education. Helping children recognize their feelings is key to their development as metacognitive learners and as good communicators. Because I earned my graduate degree in elementary education and have been home schooling my preschooler, I study strategies to teach early learners. Recently I watched the TeachingChannel video Emotional Check-ins, and I gleamed that children need to be able to identify emotions in themselves and in others. I was excited to try out a product from the company Kimochis over a couple weeks and write a review to give an insider’s perspective about how the toy helped teach my child.

Review of the Product
I received the Bug toy, a caterpillar who has adorable wings and a lovable sweet face, who retails for $29.99. My daughter, who has loved butterflies since she was a baby, helped me choose Bug. Personally, I thought Bug was very appropriate for my daughter. Bug is a caterpillar who is afraid of change. Because my family recently moved, had a second baby, and started home schooling our kids, my older daughter needed direction and support during this transition time. Bug offered my daughter a sense of support, as she enjoyed knowing that he could empathize with her current situation.

Bug came with a bag full of emotions and a pouch to hold one emotion at a time. Because Bug is a fearful caterpillar, his personality was fitting for my daughter. Most products come only with the Happy, Brave, and Left Out emotions. As a product reviewer, I also received a pack of mixed feelings, which costs $11.99. I used the feelings as well as the 48 page Feel Guide to help guide my daughter through some activities. Before receiving the product, my daughter was gloomy about the transitions she was going through, and she was fearful about some features of our new home. Bug helped my daughter become more social and interested in other people. I saw my daughter start to accept the changes that had happened in her life, and I loved that she began to talk more about her happy feelings.

Change is difficult for preschoolers. Bug gave my daughter a companion who she could go through changes with together, as a team. Because Bug was very cuddly, he brought a lot of comfort to my daughter. I liked that I received a character whose personality was very complimentary to my daughter’s personality. Now, as my daughter comes out of her shell more, I feel that I’ll need to look into getting the Cat next. Cat is known for being a little bossy and very persuasive, which would compliment my daughter through the next phase in her life, as I’ve noticed that she has started to really like to have things go her way.

Learn more about the company on Facebook. As a thank you to my readers, join Theresa’s Reviews on Facebook for an upcoming giveaway for winner’s choice of a big character scheduled in January.

I received a free product to help inform my writing.

The Contributor was given a gift or sample to inform this content.

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