Kitchen Cabinet Replacement and Refacing Techniques

Among the various kitchen-renovation works, kitchen cabinet’s replacement and refacing are the necessary ones. Refacing kitchen cabinet includes, changing the cabinet doors, cleaning the drawers, etc. Refacing kitchen cabinet is less expensive than replacing it.
Given below recommendations will help you out in painting, replacing, and cleaning kitchen cabinets for an elegant look:
Cleaning the kitchen cabinets:
Cleaning kitchen cabinet drawers takes your whole lot of time. Oil stains, residues of food items are irritating, professional contractors will cost you high so try your hands at the below given recommendations for cleaning cabinet drawers:
o Multipurpose home cleaner can be used for removing stains from kitchen cabinets.
o Club soda and lemon juice paste can also be used.
o Natural products like vinegar, act as good cleaning agent. Paste made up of baking soda and water is also a better choice.
o Dishwashing liquid soaps can be use for cleaning the kitchen cabinets.
o Move out all the unnecessary lids and old bowls from kitchen cabinets.
In new designs, knobs and hinges are concealed. These cabinets are smooth and shining. However, old design also looks elegant.
Painting the cabinets:
Painting kitchen cabinets is a cost-effective way for adding fresh look to your kitchen. It saves your time. If you want to change the look of your kitchen and you are in hurry, before any special occasion, go for cabinet painting.
Kitchen cabinet painting tips:
o Loosen the hinges, knobs, and move out the kitchen cabinet doors and drawers.
o Take ammonia solution, mix it with water, and clean the cabinet surface.
o Clean the surface by using mineral spirits to let it free from dirt and grease.
o Use a good quality primer that makes a solid base for the painting work. Primer prevents diffusion of colors which makes cabinet-refinishing work easy. Let the primer dry for a considerable time before painting.
o Lighter shades look elegant as it makes your kitchen looking big and fresh. Light blue, sunny yellow are good colors. Professional painters recommend high-quality color paints.
o You can use furniture wax for glossy and shiny look of the kitchen cabinets.
o Faux finish adds beauty to your kitchen cabinets.
o Water-base paints are not as good as oil-base paints. Oil-base paints are stain proof, last longer and you can wash the painted surface easily.
o Cabinet door can be painted in different design, shades, and colors. Chemical used in such paints are harmful for your eyes and hands, so keep extra care. Look for expiry date and follow the instruction guides.
Replacing the cabinets:
Buy kitchen cabinets which look elegant, stylish, and are easy to maintain and repair. Kitchen cabinets are available in different designs, sizes, colors, and shapes. Either get it made as per your design choice, or buy from stores dealing in home improvements products.
Be careful while buying kitchen cabinets, don’t compromise with the quality; check the wood quality or the quality of other construction materials used in the kitchen cabinets, before purchase.
Buy proper fitted knobs and hinges.
Do-it-yourself is suitable for kitchen cabinet’s refacing and replacement, when you have proper knowledge.
Do-it-yourself will surely saves your few dollars, but plan well before the work. Books, latest magazines on home improvements and different websites information can guide you well. This will help you in facing the kitchen repair and replacement challenges.
Enjoy the kitchen cabinet replacement. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design