Kiteboarding Hand Signals

Kiteboarders have their own hand signals that they use. These signals are used for messages such as telling a kiteboarder to put down his kite to asking for help. These hand signals are very important and each kiteboarder should know what they mean and how to use them, for their safety and for anyone in the area’s safety.

If a kiteboarder is in trouble and needs help, the proper hand signal to use is to stretch out their arms sideways, then raise their arms overhead and cross them and repeat until someone’s attention has been gotten.

The hand signal to tell someone to catch your kite is to pat the top of your head with an outstretched right hand.

If you need to tell some one to put down their kiteboard, the proper hand signal to use is to place both arms down at your side, point to the ground, and raise shoulders up even then lower. This signal is to be repeated several times or until the message has been understood.

If you want to tell a kiteboarder to head out to sea, the hand signal to use is to point both hands to the left, out to sea.

If you want to tell a kiteboarder to come back to shore, the hand signal to use is to face left and point both hands to shore.

If you need to tell a kiteboarder to keep their kite up high, the hand signal to use is to raise your left hand over your head and point to the sky.

If you need to tell someone to wait, the hand signal to use is to lift your left arm up, perpendicular to the surface. Now bend your elbow and raise your hand up toward the sky.

To tell a kiteboarder to release their control bar the hand signal to use is to place closed hands overhead, then open your hands as you move your arms out to a “V”.

If you want someone to look at you, use the pointer finger and middle fingers from the same hand and point them toward your eyes.

If you want someone to look somewhere else, point your arm straight to the direction you want the person to look.

If you need to answer someone with a yes, simply nod up and down and if you need to answer someone with a no, simply nod side to side.

Even launching a kiteboard has special hand signals that should be used. When getting ready to launch, the proper hand signal to use is to place your arm above your head, but not straight and leaving some distance between your helmet and hand. The proper hand signal to use when actually launching your kiteboard is thumbs up or nod your head while saying, “launch”.

Knowing when and how to use these hand signals as well as knowing what these hand signals mean is a very important part to kiteboarding. Knowing what someone is trying to tell you or knowing what to tell a fellow kiteboarder can be the difference between disaster and having a good time.

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