Kitten-Proofing Your Home

The very first thing to do after you pick out your new kitten is to make your home a safe place for the kitten to live. To do that, you need to remove all things a kitten could get into that could be dangerous. The first rule of preparing a home : Kittens get into everything: closets, drawers, cabinets, potted plants, garbage cans, Christmas trees, toilet bowls, refrigerators, drapery, sofa cushions, garages, and much more. I know I’m making them sound like little Terminators, but it is true. Kittens get into places you have never given a second (or first) thought.

You must take precautions to remove all unsafe things from their reach. If you have children, this becomes more difficult. Pick up all toys under two inches in length. Also pick up paper clips, coins, rubber bands, ribbons, tape, yarn or string, and any other small object a kitten could try to swallow.

Close all cabinet doors, and keep all cleaners, chemicals, and toxic substances out of kitten’s reach. If your house is undergoing construction, be bery careful of paints, paint thhiner, adhesives, insultaion, lead paint, asbestos, nails, and other supplies. Excessive dust and fumes during construction also can harm your kitten.

Be careful of electric cords, like those coming out of a lamp or appliance. Kittens can chew on these cords and get electrocuted. Keep them up off the floor and out of the kitten’s reach. Another thing to keep away from kittens is household plants. Many are toxic, fresh or dried.

Kittens are naturally curious and tend to seek high places. You might find your kitten on top of cabinets, refrigerators, wood piles, rafters, or curtain rods. Because is nearly impossible to keep them away from these spots, make sure your windows are screened or closed.It is common for cats and kittens to fall out of unscreened windows in urban apartments. In fact, the injuries that occur from such falls are called “High Rise Syndrome”.

Pick a spot for the food and water bowls. Most people use the kitchen floor. Notice I said food and water. Some people erroneously think kittens do not drink water. All animals need water-fresh, clean water, changed several times daily. Keep the water bowl within two feet of the food dish, so your kitten will learn that where there’s food, there’s also water. Do not be surprised if your kitten prefers your faucet for his water. Most cats instinctively know that cold, running water is cleaner than warm, stagnant water.

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