L.A.Mayor Plots Takeover of California by Illegals

Then what? Secession from the United States?
How can the most valuable economy, the most valuable democracy, the most valuable farming region, the most diverse population, the best universities and most coveted standard of living in world history be hijacked by foreigners?
I’m not talking about everyone in California who is a legal citizen of the state and of the United States. I’m talkiung about the millions of interlopers who want to hope over from Mexico and rip off decent citizens.
Now there’s nothing really wrong about any of this. Historically, anyone south of the border can lay at least a political claim to the land of the far western portion of the United States. The same goes for native Americans who now have only casinos to remind them of their ancient claim to the territory.
But hold on, now. What about the money, people? The billions of federal gravy-train aid that streams in to pay undocumented workers (or illegal aliens, call them what you will) a blank check of benefits?
Mexican and Central American nationals have already taken over the school system. Take it from one who has seen this happen from within. California’s schools no longer function as schools. They are headquarters for the massive aid that illegal aliens receive day in and day out – federal freebies, free child car (at schools), free preschools (in most areas, the statewide effort failed last election).
Knowledge? Education? Just a mirage. The illegals herd all their millions of kids into California schools and let taxpayers feed and watch them. They can’t speak English so they can’t leearn.
So that’s why Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles is doing what he is doing. Keep in mind the driver’s license bill has once again passed the legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will veto it. Again. But it won’t last because the Terminator won’t be there forever. He’ll be hounded out of office by Latino voters, and Villaraigosa will move right in.
Actually, California might be better off run by Mexico. Villaraigosa is a closet conservative. As soon as any Latinos gain an upper hand economically and politically they take a sharp right turn – as close to the Vatican as they can get. This is good because the society will turn into an intolerant tornado of a police state.
It’s already happening. The gangs are in trouble and they know it, but not from the Anglo establishment. It’s from the surging Latinos who know how to extract wealth from the golden calf of California, hide it from the gringos and – presto! – conquer the state, and maybe the nation. Then they will want to Catholicize everthing. The end has arrived.
So be it. Maybe Mexico can run America better than the English ever thought possible.