LG Steam Washer Insider Review

What is a Front-Load Steam Washer? Well, basically, it is your traditional front-load washing machine, upgraded of course; however it has one extra cycle to it – and that is the Steam Wash. Basically the steam wash is very similar to the dry cleaners. It is AMAZING for delicate clothes that usually have to go to the dry cleaners, as well as a quick de-wrinkling. However, this machine does price around $1,300; so with that hefty price-tag, is it really worth it? I was lucky enough to personally sell this machine and the dryer for quite some time. And throughout my time with the Steam Washer, I have found out that yes it is worth it – maybe. It all really depends on who is using it and the bulk of the clothes you wear.
I heard many people say that this machine will totally replace the Dry Cleaners, and to be honest, that’s not true. There is not going to be a true replacement for the dry cleaners just yet; although, this is a step in the right direction. My advice is that you can wash your dry cleaning only clothes within this machine occasionally; however, I highly suggest still taking your garments to the cleaners at least once a month – depending on how often you wear them. With that aside, this machine is very unique and capable for the most challenging of washing duties.
The unit has pure electronic controls located on the front of the machine, of course, with an LCD display for you to see exactly what cycle you are choosing. One thing that really stood out to me was the drum size, it is 4.0 cubic feet, which when speaking about washer size, is utterly HUGE. Also, the washing drum is pure stainless steel, which will withstand all wear and tear allowing you many, many years of use. The machine also has an option to where you can literally program your ideal cycle and save it. Thus, making one-touch washing a reality.
The LG Steam washer comes with 9 sold cycles, which are: speed wash, hand wash/wool, baby wear, delicates, permanent press, cotton/normal, sanitary, bulky/large, and of course, SteamFresh. The SteamFresh cycle is the one that uses purely steam to wash your clothes. All of these cycles are ones that you will find only on the most high-end washing machines. And the last cycle is one that on LG has. Now, here’s where the washing can become slightly difficult. Every cycle has cycle option, 10 cycle options as a matter of fact. Here are the ten cycle options: rinse, spin, extra rinse, stain cycle, drum light, water plus, tub clean, delay wash and steam, and SpinSense. Out of all of these features there is one that sticks out to me, and that is the delay Wash and Steam. This is absolutely perfect when you are planning on a big night out after work, and you are needing to have your clothes already washed when you get home, but you aren’t wanting to have them sit wet in the washer all day, you can delay the wash to be completely done by the time you get home, so all you do is throw them in the dryer and BAM, your clothes are ready to be worn.
Now, you see that this machine has plenty of bells and whistles. What happens when it breaks? This machine is literally an investment, and with all good investments you need to have to liability. Here is the manufacturers’ warranty that you will receive straight out of the box – if at the time of purchase there is any extended warranty available, BUY IT!
Warranty Terms: Parts – 1 year; 2 years; control panel; 7 years on the direct drive motor; Lifetime on the stainless-steel drum.
Warranty Terms: Labor – 1 year only.