L’Oreal Sublime Bronze – Tan Without the Risk of Sunburn

Recently I decided to give self tanning lotion a try. I had resisted trying any kind of self tanner in the past for fear of turning orange. I prefered to get a tan the natural way, by baking in the sun. However, as I got older and wiser I realized that perhaps spending hours in the sun was not the best thing to do to my skin. Fear of Skin Cancer and wrinkles took hold and I decided to start looking into other options to get that beautiful summer tan. This brought me to self tanners. Although, I was aware that self tanners had greatly improved over the years I was still nervous about using one. I did some research and decided to go with a well known brand – L’Oreal. Their Sublime Bronze with SPF 15 self tanner comes in Light to Medium and Deep to fit your skin tone needs. More important to me is that this product allows you to get a gradual tan. Each day you use it, you get a little darker. If I decided after one use that it was to orange for my liking, I could quit right then with no damage done. Finally, I went to the store and bought it. I brought it home and applied the lotion.

The lotion has a bit of a chemical smell that I did not care for, but it wasn’t so strong as to dissuade me from using the product. The lotion went on smoothly and took a few minutes to dry. The instructions state to wait for the lotion to completely absorb before you put any clothing on. I ended up waiting about 5 minutes to be sure that it was completely absorbed. You also need to be sure to wash your hands after applying the lotion because it will, as my husband found out, turn your hands an orange color if not washed off.

I noticed a result that same day. I had a light tan and it wasn’t orange at all. I was pretty pleased with this result and decided to use the product again the next to get a little darker. After the second day, I had a pretty good tan and decided that was dark enough for me. The instructions state that once you acheive the shade that you would like to quit using the product everyday and to begin using it once or twice a week to maintain the tan. At this point, I stopped using the product daily and did not use it again for 5 days. I found that it did a good job of maintaining my tan when I followed the instructions. Overall, I was pleased with this product and the results. I have a nice tan without having to worry about damaging my skin.

L’Oreal has an entire line of these products that include the lotion that I have tried as well as towlettes for body and face, a spray, and a scrub. This gives the consumer several options when it comes to self tanner. The towlettes allow you to apply the product with streak free results. The spray makes it easier to get to certain areas of the body and the scrub is used in the shower. I am impressed with this product and choices that are offered. So if you’re looking for a way to get a tan without risking sun damage I would recommend giving the L’Oreal Sublime Bronze collection a try.

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