Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California – A Ton of Fun

Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California: What’s Shaking?
Sacramento is home to many great activities but nothing can top the Labor Day festivities they offer. William Land Park hosts many events that are family friendly with an exciting environment for all ages. At the Labor Day picnic, from 11am-3pm, you can enjoy:
� Live Music
� Food
� Raffle
� Magic Shows
� Face Painting
� Bounce Houses
*Oh, and it is free if you are a Union Member.
Below are some of the activities in Sacramento being held to honor Labor Day so that you can choose what is best for you and your family.
Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California: Gold Rush Days
On Labor Day Weekend in Old Sacramento a wonderfully educational and all the way around fun experience takes place� The Gold Rush Days.
The streets are closed to traffic and are then covered in dirt for an old feel of decades past. With all of the old buildings that are hundreds of years old and no paved streets in sight it truly makes for a unique holiday.
The people that work this event dress in 1800’s clothing and perform a real life scenario of the old west. You can join the fun by panning for gold, taking part in the old fashioned bowling ramps, or just enjoying the scenery and live music.
Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California: Chalk It Up
“Chalk it Up” is an annual event also held on Labor Day weekend in Sacramento and takes place in Fremont Park.
How this particular event works is there are sponsored sidewalk squares, artists come in and volunteer their time and talents to create a wonderful scene. The proceeds then are used for art programs in the community for children to become inspired.
While the artists do their magic, bands play in the park and vendors set up shop for all the tourists who flock in to get a look at this display of creativity.
Getting involved is easy and encouraged. You too can participate in the drawings on the squares and show what you know.
Labor Day Activities in Sacramento California: Make it your Destination
So, if you want to have a blast this year and will be in Sacramento then this is definitely the place for you to be. Enjoy what the Capitol City has to offer you and feel free to join in the fun�