Labor Day Activities in Santa Paula, California

When this baby-boomer thinks of Labor Day, I think of big family get-togethers, parades, American flags, bar-b-ques, lemonade, apple pie, fireworks and swimming, and the stuff of a Norman Rockwell rendition of this holiday. When I was quite young, Labor Day was synonymous with at least three things: the beginning of fall, the opening of schools and the start of football season.

But gives us the more accurate meaning and history of Labor Day: “Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday of September. In 2006, Labor Day will be September. The origins of the American Labor Day can be traced back to the Knights of Labor in the United States and a parade organized by them on September 5, 1882 in New York City.

They were inspired by an annual labor parade held in Toronto, Canada. In 1884 another parade was held, and the Knights passed resolutions to make this an annual event. Other labor organizations (and there were many), but notably the affiliates of the International Workingmen’s Association favored a May 1 holiday. With the event of Chicago’s Haymarket riots in early May of 1886, president Grover Cleveland believed that a May 1 holiday could become an opportunity to commemorate the riots. Thus, fearing that it might strengthen the socialist movement, he quickly moved in 1887 to support the position of the Knights of Labor and their date for Labor Day.” Wikipedia further reminds us that Labor Day is generally considered a day of rest, the last opportunity for family fun before school, and the last weekend for parties for older children returning to school.

In all of Ventura County, California, the little town of Santa Paula, is the only town will be hosting a Labor Day Parade. It will be their second such annual parade. The Santa Paula Times Online, says it will be a Fandango of a holiday weekend there this year! They are planning more than just a parade: have Cruise Nite Friday and Music & Art on Main on Saturday. We’re asking the Santa Paula Society of the Arts to have plein air artists to set up their easels” for demonstrations against a backdrop of live music.

“Guerrero, who is also president of the Chamber of Commerce, noted that September 3, Sunday, will be the Fandango, a cultural celebration and day of music to be held in the Depot area. Sunday will also offer First Sunday at the Santa Paula Airport, and Monday the parade: “We’re asking people to come to Santa Paula for the weekend” to enjoy the various activities.
Art & Music on Main will be held on Saturday from 4 to 7 p.m. “It’s not really an art walk but to have people come and watch people paint,” and hopefully an exhibit by local artists. Sunday’s Fandango will be held at the Gazebo and Railroad Plaza Park from noon to 8 p.m.”

What’s so special about Santa Paula? Well, it’s the Citrus Capital of the world, a lot of movies have been filmed there, it is still very small town USA, and it’s close enough to Los Angeles to come for the day without having to rent a motel or hotel room. You can find out more about Santa Paula by visiting their site:

Santa Paula is just one of the best looking small towns in Ventura County. You may find some reasons why you might want to attend their Fandango Weekend, simply by sampling some of the views you can expect to find there:

I invite you to explore what the De Colores Art Group might have to offer in their participation. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then thousands upon thousands of words will be flowing onto canvas, in view of the public who has found their way to Santa Paula for Labor Day Weekend.

If you are someone who would rather turn your eyes to the skies, it so happens that on Sep. 3, the Aviation Museum of Santa Paula, Santa Paula Airport, will be hosting another First Sunday Open House and Vintage Aircraft Fly-in where you can find the chain of hangars. Founded in 1930, they maintain privately owned hangars with a variety of vintage aircraft and private collections of antique, classic, experimental planes, autos, race cars, motorcycles, radios, artifacts, and much more. A Museum Tram is available for the tours. The Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 723 offers free airplane rides to kids ages 7-17. And for the shoppers in your family – a must see is The Museum’s Gift Hangar, located inside CP Aviation, airplane buffs of all ages. Open 1st Sunday of each month, 10-3. Free. For additional information, contact: 805-525-1109

There will of course, be music, and music of Veracruz will be highlighted. John Robles of El Son del Pueblo, is working to bring jarochos from Veracruz as well as the many talented conjuntos in Ventura and Los Angeles county
I know Gasoline in a heated topic, but long before we imported our oil, which raised the prices, we drilled our own oil. And there is an old museum in Santa Paula I personally love, which shows what the original days of drilling oil were like. In part: “The permanent exhibits of the Museum explore the world of petroleum technology, science, and history in California. In W. M. Keck, Sr. Hall, the workings and history of the oil and gas are explained through video programs, interactive models, computer displays, artifacts, photographs, and a variety of historical memorabilia.” Visit their site to find out more about what you can expect. Great stuff for the students in your household.

For the Skaters in your family, Santa Paula has one outstanding skate boarding park. It’s close to the California Oil Museum mentioned above. And for out of towners, there may be room at the Glen Tavern. Find out more by visiting the skate park site: You’ll find maps and photos of the park there.

I don’t know if the Fillmore Train will be making it’s runs between Santa Paula and Fillmore over the weekend, but if so, catch a ride! It’s another step back in time, with windows looking out on today. It’s well worth the time and price of the ticket.

Come rest, relax and have fun in the historial and beautiful town of Santa Paula. There will a lot to do, a lot see, if you visit the city of Santa Paula, nestled between foothills and mountains, in Ventura County. A great balance between old and new, you may feel in one moment as if you are walking through one of those Norman Rockwell paintings and then be very much entertained in the present. The only thing about visiting Santa Paula is, if you are from out of town, you might be tempted to look for some realtor’s offices. Lots of people come to visit Santa Paula, and come back to stay.

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