Landscaping and Patio Decorating Based on the Signs of the Zodiac

To help you to fully understand designing for your star sign, we should first examine the elements which are representative of each sign. The four elements, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, each represent three of the twelve star signs. The key to decorating for a Fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) is, naturally, fire elements. Look for d�©cor pieces that have fire at their heart.
Water, of course is secret to decorating for the Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). For these signs, focus on ponds, fountains, and other water features. Foliage and plants are important in decorating for Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn). And for the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) focus on wide open spaces and minimize clutter.
While the elements are good places to start looking for ideas, each star sign has its own personal traits which will help you in selecting d�©cor. The sign of Aries enjoys color in the kitchen and that can easily translate to the landscape. A garden filled with colorful vegetables, bell peppers in red, orange and green, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, pumpkins, will create the perfect Aries garden.
As previously mentioned, the Taurus has an affinity for luxury and comfort, so avoid hard, unyielding patio furniture. Adorn the patio with a sofa and arm chairs, making sure to protect them with a waterproofing spray. Keep them out of direct sunlight with the aid of a canopy to avoid fading. Since the Taurus is an Earth sign, the canopy used to protect the furniture can also be a good place for climbing vines. A potted palm tree that can be taken inside in the winter months is also a terrific decoration for a Taurean patio.
Air sign Gemini enjoys games. A stone table with a chess board is an ideal adornment for a shady spot in the yard while a badminton net or croquet course out in the sun would suit the Twins nicely. Because the Gemini also enjoys travel offer subtle touches of travel d�©cor to the yard as well. One example would be a to rest the chess board atop a stone sphere that had had a globe painted on the surface. Another example would be to replace picnic benches with equivalently sized wooden steamer trunks.
Cancer is the mother of the western Zodiac. She is a Water sign with a strong appreciation for history. Choose furniture in wrought iron or distressed wood. Naturally, the maternal instincts of the Crab lend to a need to nurture her family so one element of your wrought iron or distressed wood furniture should be a table large enough to use for a full meal.
The majestic Lion, elegant and royal, is also a Fire sign. One idea for decorating for Leo is to light the patio and yard area with antique gas lanterns. Also a stone barbeque pit is a good idea for the Lion’s patio area, replacing the standard black metal barbeque grill. When building the pit, try to find stones with a yellow tint or even gold flecks, as yellow and gold are Leo’s signature colors.
Earth bound Virgo claims yellow-green, cream and brown for her colors so a natural toned wooden deck and creamy colored stone walkway should take the place of a concrete patio and sidewalk. Edge the deck with an herb garden and use stacks of the creamy colored stones to support the soil in the garden. When selecting herbs for the Virgo garden, keep in mind that she is a very health conscious sign and choose herbs she can use in all aspects of her life, from cooking (basil, oregano) to pain relief (ginger, sarsaparilla), from sleep aids or relaxants (valerian root, chamomile) to disease fighters (Echinacea, garlic).
The Libra can also make use of a large outdoor dining area and comfortable chairs, as the Libra is a social creature and loves to entertain. Give this Air sign a wide open yard with a low fence to encourage interaction with neighbors and outfit the area with several inviting chairs for guests to utilize. Perhaps not the same sofa and arm chair provided in the Taurus yard; instead look more towards chairs where Libra’s guest can lounge and converse but that can also be pulled up to the table for dinner.
The main focus of the Scorpio landscape should be a prominent, yet mysterious water feature as the Scorpion is a creature drawn to intrigue. Fill a large re-circulating pond with exotic, fresh water fish (Labyrinth fish or Bettas, Black Moor Goldfish) and surround it with dark rocks and tall, exotic plants (Angel’s Trumpet, bamboo), feigning an attempt to conceal the pond. Include a waterfall in the construction of the pond to keep the water fresh.
The free-spirited Sagittarius also enjoys travel and many have been known to pack up and leave a place without a great deal of advanced notice. Taking this into consideration, keep the d�©cor minimal and portable. Just as you did with Gemini, use steamer trunks as seating and storage. Since Sagittarius is a Fire sign, light the yard and patio area with portable lighting sources such as Tiki style torches.
Capricorn appreciates a sense of history but also enjoys the new, the modern. Combine old and new when decorating for the Capricorn. Adorn distressed wood furniture with satin pillows in shades of purple, Capricorn’s signature colors. Shade one corner of the area with a wrought iron canopy frame, using a cream-colored cotton for the canopy, and in the evening, up-light the canopied area with florescent spotlights at ground level.
The last two signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, are both drawn to fantasy and whimsy. For the Air sign Aquarius, create a butterfly sanctuary. Start by planting a variety of “food plants” such as daisies, asters, sunflowers, lavender and marigolds, focusing on shades of yellow and purple, as pale yellow and lavender are Aquarius’ signature colors. Different flowers will attract different species of butterflies so plant a wide variety. Also, placing caterpillars around the flower garden is a terrific starting point.
Butterflies, especially males, are also attracted to puddles and will congregate in and around them. To create permanent butterfly puddles, bury a container, a one pound cottage cheese container will work nicely, up to the rim. Fill it with gravel or sand and pour liquid over it. Water will work fine but if you are worried about mosquitoes you can also use stale beer or sweet drinks (stale soda, fruit drinks).
To cater to the whimsy of the Pisces utilize their element. Create a pond, just as you did for the Scorpio landscape, and fill with brightly colored fish. They don’t have to be exotic, just as long as they are colorful. Colorful rock can also be used to decorate the pond. Create an underwater fantasy with figurines in the shapes of mermaids, sea horses, pirate ships, and glittering castles. A fountain in the center of the pond is also a nice addition in creating Pisces’ underwater vision.
These are just a few ideas to help you get started. Use any of these as they are or as a springboard for your own ideas. Mix and match ideas to suit the signs of everyone in your family. Especially in the patio or yard, the sky is the limit when it comes to decorating ideas.
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design