Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation for Women Who have Given Birth

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation was designed to enhance sexual gratification. It is suppose to enhance vaginal muscle tone, strength, and control. It is also suppose to decrease the internal and external vaginal diameters as well as build up and strengthen the perineal body. The procedure can be done in one to two hours as an outpatient. The pain is suppose to be minimum and you can resume sex after a six week period.�¯�¿�½

Returning to work can be done in two to three days. I’m sure you are asking yourself “Who or Why in the world would someone want this done”? That is the question I asked to when I first heard about it on the “Strictly Sex with Dr Drew” show. But then I started doing some research. After doing my research of reading and looking at the before and after pictures, it was pretty obvious to why women want this done.

When most women have babies they tend to get a little stretched in the vaginal area. Some women are ripped when giving birth. Therefore those women will have extra skin down there and will have a bigger opening than before. By having the Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation done, the opening will be tightened up and the lose skin will be removed. This is a physical and emotional thing for a woman.�¯�¿�½

Looking at magazines, books, and movies can cause a woman to feel insecure about how she looks down there and that may lead to the rejuvenation. Then you have the actual feeling part where women can’t experience orgasms and the sexual experience they deserve because of the extra skin and the bigger opening. So this to may lead to Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation. There are some women who have had babies and don’t have this problem. If you are one of them, be thankful.

The Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation can run from $3,500 up to $10,000 depending on the amount of work you need. So ladies if you are experiencing this problem talk to your doctor about vaginal rejuvenation he or she can refer you to someone. Don’t be embarrassed, there are many women who have this procedure done.Ã?¯Ã?¿Ã?½

And from all my research I have done, I have only read good reviews on this procedure. One man stated that his sex life was mind blowing before his wife had the surgery, then he said take that and multiply it by a thousand times better after she had the surgery. I truly believe this can drastically change a woman and her partners sex life around.

A note to the men:

If your wife or girlfriend is thinking of having Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation you need to be supportive of her. A woman’s body goes through many of changes when giving birth and this procedure can help her get the vagina back the way it was, so that she can once again experience the pleasure she once did. So fellows support your women on this one, if this is something she wants to do. You and her will be thankful in the long run.

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