Last-Minute Birthday Gifts for Kids

Kids often receive last-minute birthday party invitations from friends. Last-minute birthday party invitations are largely due to the busy lifestyles of modern families. If kids hand out birthday party invitations too early, friends may lose the invitations, and therefore forget about the upcoming birthday party celebration. If kids hand out birthday party invitations too late, parents may have other plans involving their kids on the day of the birthday party. Even still, kids sooner or later come home with a last-minute birthday party invitation, and a last-minute birthday party invitation means a last-minute birthday gift. If your child comes home with a last-minute birthday party invitation, don’t just stick money in a birthday card. Consider giving one of the following last-minute birthday party gifts next time your kid is invited to a last-minute birthday party. Creative last-minute birthday gifts are some of the best birthday gifts ever!

Coin a Smile

If your kid needs a last-minute birthday gift, consider making a funny money face. Simply create a funny face out of coins by creatively taping them to colored card stock, construction paper, or poster board. Use nickels or pennies to create the outline of the face, and complete the features using dimes and quarters. The wide smile on this funny face will create an even bigger smile when the birthday girl or boy receives this unique and creative last-minute birthday gift. Figure out how much money you wish to give as a last-minute birthday party gift, and create a face accordingly.

Your child can embellish the face by coloring around it using crayons, markers, or colored pencils. Make the smiley face even more fancy by surrounding it with designs made using glitter glue. Use your imagination, and encourage your kid to use his or her imagination to make this fun last-minute birthday gift.

Wrap this unique last-minute birthday party gift by placing it in an appropriately sized box. A shirt box is usually perfect for a last-minute birthday gift of this type. Wrap the box with shiny aluminum foil, leftover wallpaper, or recycle the comics from the Sunday paper. Finish wrapping the box by adding a ribbon of braided yarn or satin ribbon. This last-minute birthday gift is sure to be a hit at the next last-minute birthday party your kid is invited to.

Homemade Gift Certificates

Kids often give homemade gift certificates to parents, but why not turn the tables and give your kid’s friends a homemade gift certificate? Everyone loves gift certificates, and homemade gift certificates make great last-minute birthday gifts for kids. Consider making a homemade gift certificate or a book of gift certificates for the birthday boy or girl. Gift certificate ideas can include a fun overnight stay at your home, a trip to a local park for your child and his or her friend, a visit to a favorite kid-friendly restaurant, or a day of fun at the zoo, a skateboard park, amusement park, or any other fun location. Personalize the gift certificate according to the interests of your child and his or her friend. This last-minute gift will be a favorite present that your kid will enjoy giving as much as his or her friend will enjoy receiving.

A Gift Bag of Tasty Treats

If you’re scrambling to come up with a last-minute gift for your kid to take to a birthday party, consider giving a homemade gift bag filled with tasty treats. You may even be able to locate wrapped treats in your pantry that would make a great addition to a unique birthday treat bag.

Encourage your child to decorate a plain brown paper lunch bag by gluing on colored construction paper or tissue paper shapes, and coloring the bag with crayons, markers, or watercolor paints. Consider gluing on artificial flowers, pretty beads, flat buttons, glitter, or cutouts from comic strips or your child’s favorite magazines. Give your child a few creative ideas, and spark his or her creativity and imagination. You’ll be surprised at the last-minute additions your child will contribute to this unique last-minute birthday gift.

If you have a paper shredder, clean out the collection bin, and run colorful wrapping paper, construction paper, or tissue paper through it. Place the colorful shreds of paper in the bottom of the decorated gift bag, and fill the bag with last-minute treats, coins, and small toys. This last-minute birthday gift will make your kid’s friend’s birthday extra special – even at the very last-minute!

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