Last Minute Gifts for Lovers

Okay, guys and gals, Valentine’s Day is creeping up closer to us all! Haven’t bought a gift yet for that special someone? There’s still time, using a little energy and creativity, to get just the perfect gift that will show that you did indeed put time, thought and effort into its purchase.

Thank goodness for jewelry! There really isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t cherish some type of jewelry, whether it’s diamonds or a handcrafted pendant. Consider your lady’s fashion sense. Does she have pierced ears or not? Does she wear bracelets, or is the only thing adorming her wrist a watch? Does she like to accent her suit jackets with unique broaches? Does she favor silver or gold or platinum? The first step is to wheedle down her preferences; write them down on a piece of paper, if that helps. (She may also have been dropping hints like crazy as well – write those down first – hopefully, you’ve remembered them!) Would she be open to a new type of jewelry piece, or is she pretty much set in her style sense? Get out that piece of paper and write down if she wears rings, if she wears bracelets, necklaces, pendants…does she like large, hoop earrings or smaller ones, like pearls?

Would a pearl necklace or bracelet complement the jewelry that she already has? Does she wear or own stud earrings? Is there a certain type of gem stone that would match those in a bracelet or necklace? (One of my daughters has a beautiful diamond and sapphire set of pierced earrings; she’s getting a diamond and sapphire heart shaped pendant to match for Valentine’s Day.) Be creative! If she is a pearls or diamonds sort of girl, would she welcome a sapphire and diamond bracelet, or a silver heart-shaped pendant? (When and if you buy a pendant for someone, or anyone, be sure to also purchase a CHAIN. There’s nothing worse than opening a box to find a drop dead gorgeous pendant inside, knowing that the recipient will now have to schlepp out and buy herself a chain to match it. It’s important to include that CHAIN!)

Is she the sporty type? Would she welcome a high-quality sports watch, or a beautiful set of gem stone (diamond, sapphire, emerald, topaz, even cubic zirconia if the wallet is a little thin lately) that she could wear with ease and comfort? Does she love to go out clubbing? If so, bling may very well be the way to go here, folks. A dropdead gorgeous pair of earrings, a stunningly different bracelet, or a unique, maybe even one of a kind necklace dress up her partying clothes. Has she ever admired a piece of jewelry owned by someone else: a friend, her mother, her sister, her best friend? That might clue you into something she’s not even aware that she’d like!

Narrow down your jewelry selections in writing, you procrastinators! If you’re planning on shopping, you’ll need specifics here. Time is drawing close and you need to stick to both a list of possibilities AND a budget! Before you head out to your local mall, consider some online auction houses. If you do end up mall shopping, make certain that you know the store’s policies on returns. It may be that they will accept an item on return, but you may only have a certain amount of time in which to return it, or it may be for store-credit only. Zales and Kay Jewelers are two of the most popular shopping mall jewelers; they always, always have advertised specials before Valentine’s Day. The items may not be of the highest quality, but the prices generally start and $99 and up; there may even be some clearance items you should look at as well. As long as you’re at the mall anyway, stop by the anchor chain department store’s jewelry department.

At this time of year, they have winter birthday month’s birthstones on sale (a great idea, especially if your gal doesn’t have any jewelry items in her birthstone or to round out any ones that she does.) The department stores will again have some pretty impressive jewelry items that are marked down “50% off retail”, “70% off retail”, etc., but bear in mind that these ‘retail’ prices are pretty hefty. It’s always been a rule of thumb that an appraised jewelry item is literally, technically one-half of its ‘appraised’ value; keep that in mind. If you are drooling over a 14K gold bangle bracelet “originally priced” at $3600, remember: its real worth is more likely closer to $1800. Does the 50% of 70% off its ‘original’ price of $3600 validate what you want to spend? The department stores will also have selective ‘clearance’ items; look these over carefully to see if you can find any real buys there. Again, check to see what the store’s individual return policy on jewelry is: when can it be returned, can it be returned for credit to your credit card, or is it store credit only? One thing to remember about buying your jewelry at a mall store is that generally/usually, you can get it gift wrapped on the spot for free. If saving $3 on wrapping paper and a bow sounds worthwhile to you, and you really are impressed by the price and quality of the item, go for it..

Before you put on your jacket and make a dash to the mall, consider online jewelry shopping as well. Three sites that I would recommend are,, and If you’re worried about your gift arriving on time, only go to those auctions in which you have the opportunity to have the item speed shipped! (Both stealitback and auctionriot, which have some gorgeous jewelry pieces at fantastic prices, offer the option of quick shipping. But remember to add that cost factor into your budget considerations as well.) Many Ebay sellers will also priority ship your items to you as well. When you are engrossed in scrolling through these three sites, keep one thing in mind: most jewelry items are pictured at three to four times their actual size. Sit there with a ruler so that you can figure out, using both centimeters and millimeters, how large – or small – a particular piece really is. You may get so taken up by the beauty of the photograph that you won’t realize that the ring or earrings are the size of your thumb nail in reality. Measure ’em up!

Ladies, jewelry items are not just ‘all about you’, either! Perhaps your guy would like a money clip, a ring if you know for certain that he does/would wear a ring and you know his RING SIZE, or even a striking gold chain. There are also some very fine watches – from Rolex to Timex – that might suit the bill, especially if you have it engraved. Another option might be an engraved pocket watch (which I gave my husband on our first anniversary), again especially if you have it engravd with a sentiment of meaning to you both. A lot of (younger) guys also are into wearing earring studs; perhaps you might want to add to his collection of studs as well. And speaking of studs, how about a great set of cufflinks, either for business wear or perhaps to accentuate his tuxedo? If you narrow in on a particular jewelry item that he might like, cruise both the mall’s stores and online auctions as well. Again, the same rules apply: make sure it can be returned (watch out for that engraving!), when and how it can be returned, and how your return credit will be applied. This is also true of online auction sites as well. While offers some fabulous deals on jewelery and other items, there is a limited return policy, if such a policy does exist. Be certain to read ALL online auction information VERY CAREFULLY before bidding!

Clothing? This can be a tough or an easy choice. At this time of the year, much winter merchandise has been picked over, but what is left can be had at great savings, both in stores and on line. If your special person has been dying for a cashmere scarf or gloves, this is the time to buy! Cashmere sweater for guys or ladies? Same thing. “Wintery” handbags such as those from the collections of Uggs (would he/she like a pair of Uggs boots or clogs at a great price? Do it!), Coach, Dooney & Burke, Chloe, and many other type fashion brands can be had for one-half price or more if you do your homework (check stores, check for all online auctions for these products. A great store for boots, shoes and handbags is Zappo’s, whose flagship store is located in New York City next to the Empire State Building. They also have a web site which can give you their current sales and offerings: In September of 2005, they were selling Uggs boots, slippers and clogs in a fairly large number of styles for $49.99! I just had to buy at least one new pair for my daughters at that price! Again, check their shipping and return policies.)

Jewelry, clothing – what else would make your loved one’s heart sing on February 14th? There are always the familiar standbys of flowers and candy. Call up your local florist to arrange delivery to her home or workplace now; the sooner you place an order, the better your chances are of getting exactly the right arrangement you want delivered. If your guy actually likes growing things, consider an unusual potted plant for his home or office, or a terrarium. If the idea of forking over some big bucks (and you should check flower prices on line as well as with your local florist) for fresh roses boggles your mind, consider a floral arrangement that has durability and lasting power, like a potted plant, terrarium, even a cactus! Ask the florist for recommendations; they will be both surprised and welcoming of your inquiry. The floral business, like most industries, is highly competitive today, so spend as much time as you can on line or in person hunting down that special something – or that bouquet of roses in a gorgeous vase. (Hint: it’s like the pendant without a chain if you buy boxed roses without a vase! The recipient will now have to find, beg, borrow or steal a decent-sized vase in which to keep those roses.) If you’re on a budget, buy the roses separately and then a nice vase, and present the arrangement to her in person. You’ll be saving more money than you think.

Still looking for an idea? How about a pet? Before you toss on your coat and head to the local mall’s pet store, WRITE DOWN what you are doing! Is she/he allowed to have pets in their residence? Are they allergic to pets? Do they have the time and interest to care for it? Can it be returned? (One of my daughters and her boyfriend purchased an adorable puppy last Valentine’s Day as a joint gift together; they share ‘custody’ of the pup at their homes. While we were not iniially thrilled, it has worked out – so far!) Some ideas might include a parakeet, a hamster, gerbil, even a tiny white mouse or a turtle. But again, I an’t stress enough that you should be absolutely cerain that a pet is something your partner not only would really, really want and enjoy, but can take care of as well. You should also be absolutely certain about the return policy on a pet as well; many pet stores do not accept returns at all unless the animal is ‘defective’ , and even then, the burden of proof rests on you, the buyer.

Whatever you decide to give your favorite person for Valentine’s Day – be it your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, lover, children, parent – be sure to buy a Valentine’s Day CARD for them. Nothing says “I love you” more than seeing it in writing! (And be certain to sign the card “Love” as well!) If you’re really still strapped for ideas or cash, consider giving a ‘gift certificate’ enclosed in the card for dinner at your favorite restaurant, a back massage, or even an actual gift certificate purchased at their favorite salon, gym, or store itself. Nothing says “loving” like seeing it in print!

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