Last-Minute Handmade Halloween Costume Accessories

One thing you can make cheaply, that goes with many different costumes, is a headband-type accessory that can be made the way you want it. A cheap plastic headband is all you need to start. Bendable drinking straws with a Halloween theme often have pumpkins, ghosts or other images, molded into the straw. Glue two of these on top of the headband, spaced several inches apart, looks like weird antennas of the Halloween variety. The headbands are also great, when covered in tin foil, to go with Martian outfits and similar costumes. Simply mold antennas out of the foil and wrap them around the headband.
Headbands are perfect for other Halloween accessories, too. Purchase fake hair at a costume shop and glue it to the headband. This is much cheaper than purchasing a wig. Do something similar with a veil. Purchase the desired fabric and cut it to the appropriate size. Find the center and glue it to the headband. Now you have a veil that hangs down the front and back. Glue on spider webs, flies, bugs or other eerie trinkets.
Cut a section from a bathroom tissue or paper towel roll. Now cut a split in the cardboard so that it can be placed on the wrist like a cuff bracelet. Wrap the cardboard in black chenille pipe cleaners until the cardboard is completely covered. Now glue on a novelty black cat, pumpkin, witch or other ghoul. If the bracelet won’t stay on, fasten a piece of elastic between the split and it’ll stay in place.
Press-on nails can be decorated for Halloween and worn the night of the event. Use tiny pieces of thread to form spider webs, use a stencil to paint on jack-o-lanterns, or just glue tiny creepy-crawlies on some of the nails. Super glue will help hold the nails in place. Acetone will help remove them after Halloween.
Angel hair, left over from Christmas last year, makes the perfect spider web. Drape it over your hair, face, clothing, shoes or socks. Get the full effect by gluing tiny bugs or spiders to it.
Rubber finger covers are made for people that count a lot of mail or letters, and these finger covers can be turned into Freddy Fingers in no time. Cut a thin slit at the end of the rubber piece, then glue in a long piece of thin cardboard. The cardboard should be shaped to where it gets much thinner, and to a point, at the very end. In general, the cardboard pieces you cut should be shaped like extremely long fingernails. Put one rubber finger cover on each of the four fingers, with the cardboard piece protruding from it. Cover them in tin foil. When you bend your fingers down the Freddy Fingers are somewhat concealed at the wrist area. When you open your hand, though, they pop out like daggers.
Pom poms are very inexpensive, and if you purchase the two inch or larger types, you can make a lot of different Halloween accessories. Glue them together in a circle to make a bracelet, glue them on a headband and add glitter, or glue them together, end to end, to make a unique Halloween scarf.
Don’t worry if your outfit isn’t totally together – it will be after you’ve completed a couple of the above crafts. And with the money you save, you can buy extra eggs or bath tissue for pranks!