Laura Mercier: Face Reality and Learn From This Make-up Artist

I go through stages with buying and using make-up. From the quick grab at the supermarket cosmetic counter to spending forays on a huge supply of an expensive brand at a department store. The quick grabs usually go stale because they never match my complexion, and the expensive package deals always end up with a couple of products I don’t use after the first week.
A few years ago, I was at a party one night and ran into a friend who looked great. Greater than usual because she’d been through a pretty trying two years of losing a husband, estate settlements and lawsuits all of which had caused an enormous amount of physical stress. Suddenly she glowed so I had to ask, didn’t I? She said a friend took her to Neiman-Marcus to try some new make-up and this was it. Wow. That was when I heard about Laura Mercier.
Laura Mercier started out in her native France as a make-up artist for magazine shoots and gradually developed her own line of cosmetics. Even if you haven’t used her cosmetics, you’ve seen her work on the faces of Sarah Jessica Parker, Julia Roberts, Oprah and Angelina Jolie-Pitt. All those people look pretty natural, right? Now you have the general drift about Mercier and why she is so successful with her products.
Her regime is actually a simple one. You keep your skin really clean and you try to look as natural as possible but create a flawless look at all times. Her products actually deliver. Mercier tinted moisturizer is a perfect consistency for covering up just enough for daily wear without hassles, but also gives enough coverage even for the office. Her colors are formulated to work even on the hardest to match skin tones too. The real trickery in her products is in the powders. They all have a slight shimmer to them that creates a dewy effect even on those of us with a few wrinkles to hide.
It’s best with Mercier products to actually stop at one of her counters long enough to learn how to apply them, and check out what colors work best for you. I have difficult skin to get a good match for but easily found ones that worked from Mercier. Often, they will suggest mixing a bit of water with her foundations in order to get the best result. Always use sponges and don’t be afraid of mixing colors to get the right one for you âÂ?¦these are some of the many things they’ll tell you so you can go home armed with enough information to get started on the Mercier track.
It isn’t necessary to buy hundreds of dollars worth of her products to get started either. Buy a few things and mix them into what you already have and see how they work. As you run out of things, you’ll be seeking out more Mercier products to replace them with too. Mercier products are available now at most good department stores, but once you work out what is best for you, there are myriads of resources online for them âÂ?¦including Mercier’s own site. I’ve found the best deals on Amazon at times! One of the many things I’ve liked about Mercier products is that while they aren’t inexpensive, you actually feel as though you’re getting your money’s worth. And, today that’s a good feeling!
Oh âÂ?¦her tip for summer? Buy oil-free products because they won’t fall off your face when the weather is hot, and then seal them with a little translucent powder. She promises it works. And, I believe her!