Learn to Be More Wise

Life is not perfect. There are many mistakes made along the way as we travel the various paths of mortality. But we should view each experience we have as a learning experience. We need to realize that we are not perfect. We can become better through our experiences.

Look about you. We are surrounded by myriads of people of various ages and education and experience. We are all walking paths, similar and dissimilar, parallel and intersecting, up and down, rough or smooth.

Along our paths we find moments of joy and sorrow.

We don’t always have the choice of paths to follow. Some paths we would never choose and yet, at times, we find our footsteps upon them.

Experiences are thrust upon us. At times, we struggle. But we can choose how those experiences will ultimately affect us. We can choose to learn from them, or be trampled by them. Defining moments of our lives come in what we choose to become in spite of them.

Life goes on. Experiences continue to come. Joy can follow along the way. Let us learn by our experiences and become better for it. Let us learn to be more wise in our choices as we travel this road of mortality. And let us not try to travel it alone.

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