Learning Disability Organizations and Centers

There are so many organizations that strive to help those with learning disabilities, yet some family members or care takers may not be aware of these services. Here is a list of organizations and a brief statement of what they do:

The Council For Learning Disabilities is located in Overland Park, KS. They are a national organization dedicated to professionals that work with learning disabled individuals. There commitment surrounds education and life span, development and excellence of life. Reach them at (913) 492-8755 or fax at (913) 492-2546. Mail to: P.O. Box 40303 Overland Park, KS. 66204

The Division For Learning Disabilities, Council For Exceptional Children, 1920 Association Drive, Reston, VA, 22091 is focused on improving education for those with learning disabilities. They are advocates for appropriate government policies, setting standards in the profession of teaching the learning disabled, and providing professional development and assistance. Reach them by fax at (412) 344-0224

The Learning Disabilities Center, The University of Georgia, 331 Milledge Hall, Athens, GA 30602-5875 is a non-profit volunteer advocacy organization that provides referrals and information for parents as well as professionals. They match families with support groups and much more. Reach them by phone at (706) 542-4589 or fax to (706) 542-4532.

The Learning Disabilities Research And Training Center is funded by the National Institute for Disability Research and Rehabilitation. They continue research on issues related to learning disabilities, create and locate funding, employment for the disabled and training programs. They are located at 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20009-1202. They can be reached by phone at (202) 884-8185 or fax to (202) 884-8422.

The Orton Dyslexia Society is international and concerned with the issue of the specific language disability of developmental dyslexia. They are located at 8600 LaSalle Road Chester Building, Suite 382 Baltimore, MD 21286-2044. Reach them by phone at (410) 296-0232 or fax to (800) 222-3123

The General Educational Development Testing Service, Center for Adult Learning and Educational Credentials, American Council on Education is a service that provides information on disability adaptions to the GED testing. Tests are made available in braille, audio or large print types. They are located at One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036. Reach them by phone at (202) 939-9490 or fax to (202) 775-8578.

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