Learning Something About Animal Rights from Humane Society of the United States

In many aspects of life, some things can be so emotionally difficult that we tend to look the other way rather than deal with them. I know for myself. I have turned my head to situations before and, in retrospect, I shouldn’t have. Psychologically, I could not handle the situation. Most people will do whatever they can in tragic situations concerning human beings or animals, but there are some people who are apathetic because of the belief that someone else will help.
The time has come for change, because if we all “think” that someone else will do something then nothing would ever be accomplished, and many tragic stories would go untold. Everyday, everywhere, animals abundantly need help from their human partners and the Humane Society of The United States (HSUS) is a place to become genuinely involved without even leaving the house because becoming involved is made easy by sitting at a computer and typing in “hsus.org”. Soon, new ideas about animal support will emerge in people’s minds.
The HSUS site, found at http://www.hsus.org/ace/352 is a commendable website to obtain current and accurate information on animal welfare of all mammals ranging from pets, wildlife, farm animals, marine mammals, and animals in research. For example, a severe animal abuse case from November 3rd, 2004 is listed, and made me think of what could be done to make the world better for animals. Furthermore, the website provides easy access to information on current government affairs, publications, field studies and press releases that also indicates the accuracy of the information. The HSUS website includes abundant educational tools and ways anyone can become involved. The site’s easy navigation system is clearly marked and readable, and this provides easy access to all the links provided on the site.
The educational value the HSUS website can be easily read and navigated with navigation bars that aid me through the website. For example, clicking on “press releases”, I found “The HSUS Offers Turkey Facts in Time for Thanksgiving” written by Rachael Querry. There is a list of facts about how the turkey became America’s symbol for Thanksgiving. Do you know it was because Benjamin Franklin lobbied to have turkey for dinner instead of the Bald Eagle? Another fact brought to light by the website is that the majority of people assume the turkey is the same family as chickens. However, they are not. Turkeys are from the pheasant family genus. Additionally, it is an interesting note that “President George W. Bush has pardoned three turkeys – named Liberty, Katie and Stars. In 2002, Katie became the first female turkey to be pardoned by an American president.”
In addition to these Thanksgiving facts, the website has information to aid teachers in educating children about animals in a publication titled, KIND News, is a small example of the sites intended audience. I feel that the HSUS website presents educational facts that adults can use to either become apart of HSUS team or to educated others about animals in their habitats. Also, the site reveals information about animal protection legislation and signs of cruelty. Moreover, the HSUS website carries practical context with the educational tools and links made available.
This website is not only a great educational research website on animals, but is a website to gain knowledge about animal issues that are abundant in the world and has many ways anyone can help support animal laws and rights. Also, the HSUS site brings to light information on what is being done to fight animal cruelty, and tells of stories left unsolved. The website’s navigational links help with presenting current Government Affairs involving the Humane Society and those efforts to endorse animal protective legislation. In addition to defeating bills that would hurt animals, they secure financial support and endorse strict enforcement of the animal-protection laws already in place. Additionally, the HSUS site lists many protection acts that are currently enforced and details to current acts that seek public support for the safety and welfare of animal rights. After all, animals have no voice and desperately need society as a whole to protect them because who else will? A small way humanity can help to support our mammal friends is by supporting current legislation being formulated, and signing petitions. The HSUS website endorses moral conduct for all animal rights, and this shows in the site’s stories and appeals to emotion.
In addition to the aforementioned features, a rather unique feature can be experienced by clicking on a white pet mouse. A publication appeared titled, “Humanelines”. This link revealed ways for voters to help by voting in favor of measures supporting animal protection laws in their state. Further, assessments of the publication lead to one of the most disturbing articles regarding the new cosmetic injections called BOTOX that millions of Americans are having done to reduce the lines and wrinkles from nature’s way of aging.
Humanelines stated “what they may not realize, and what BOTOX’s manufacturer, Allergan, doesn’t tell them is that animal suffering is the hidden ingredient in this beauty product. Every batch of BOTOX is tested using the notorious LD (Lethal Dose) 50 Test, which estimates the potency at which 50% of the injected animals will die. The test can last up to 3-4 days, during which the poison paralyzes muscles as it moves through the animal’s body. Ultimately, the mice die from suffocation, undoubtedly after considerable distress.” This is merely a small example of the aesthetic context that draws to the emotions within the website.
Another web site I visited for comparison is www.hsco.org. This is our local Humane Society here in Central Oregon. It listed ways to adopt a pet, current events and some educational advice, but it does not hold the strong educational values and support that the HSUS website contains. The local site also does not include hyperlinks to other sites for content review. However, we must remember they are a small, and most likely understaffed shelter. Although their aesthetic content with the picture of the puppy and the kitten together on the home page was a nice touch, HSUS contains more of the worldly issues, and the graphics on the HSUS site are everywhere.
Additionally, the graphics on HSUS are welcoming in appearance and have vibrant colors in the animal pictures. For example, on the main page, everything is in colored with animals and animal symbols in the navigation bars. Every new page brings a different and exciting animal into view with further information and links to other pages of interest, and this further promotes aesthetic context. After all, who could turn away without helping?
In conclusion, the HSUS site eagerly invites every individual concerned about animal welfare to gain a better understanding of the political processes by becoming involved. By promoting communications with the appropriate elected officials and animal welfare officials regarding their views and ideas.
Any idea is a good idea when put to use, and visiting the HSUS website is an easy way to become a part of the legislative solution for animal protection. You should start by joining the Human Society of the United States by clicking on the navigation bar “How you Can Help”. There are numerous ways listed to become actively involved-whether it be in a big or a small way because animals everywhere need a voice to be heard.
The Humane Society of the United States. from: http://www.hsus.org/ace/35. Retrieved 11/5/04.
The Humane Society of Central Oregon. from: http://www.hsco.org. Retrieved 11/10/04.